Forum Post: Gerald Celente at Occupy Wallstreet NY - 25 Oct 2011
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 7:48 a.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent
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Gerald Celente at Occupy Wallstreet - 25 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza.- 25 Oct 2011 : unlike what the main stream media is telling us that the protestrs are a bunch of radicals and hippies it is all Bunch of Baloney says Gerald Celente , the sanitation problem mentioned by main stream media was another Bunch of Baloney noted Gerald Celente , the people that came here are for real they are not going anywhere says Gerald , there is also plenty of food provisions
An unaffiliated Gerald Celente Fan Blog
I hear ya MonetizingDiscontent. Celente is excellent and has been on top of Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation (GIABO) from the start.
Another RT contributor that you'll never see on the more or less defunct MSM.
Good to meet you Mudslinger ;)
Love Gerald, a different point of view, one that is usually pretty spot on.