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Forum Post: george soros and Obama behind OWS? i doubt it

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by xposingfalsehoods (39)
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we all know by know there are attacks stating this movement is funded by Georgo Soro's and this is a movement to help Obama. Ive even scene video trying to link protesters to moveon employees. I dont doubt there are infiltrators within the group but I personally dont accept the theory that this is a controlled group thats here to help Obama. this is a non political group and we know that Obama is also the problem we are fighting.



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[-] 1 points by NinetyNine (24) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Why dont we protest the people that gave the bankers our money. Lets go to the Whitehouse. Lets go to show Nancy Peloci that we dont appreciate her, or the Congress she was in charge of, for giving our money away to the 1% Corporate elites. Lets stop the billions of dollars from going to campaign donor's fake energy businesses.

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

Remove Obama and the rest of the people managers... Now hiring first qualification patriot ... republicans and democrats need not apply

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

Except one major problem with your argument.... The administration and bought and paid for the land which the protestors are using. The Brookfield management company which owns the park received $170 Million dollars in "green" energy money on Sept 23rd of this year. A deal negotiated by Biden's son and Bloomberg's girlfriend. Following the information that is out there. This is clearly a democratic rally but you are right not paid for by George Soros but by taxpayer dollars through the "green energy" fund.


key is second paragraph... brookfield asset management of new york.. sound familiar? http://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/firmsum.php?id=D000036374&year=2002

[-] 1 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

what land in america isnt paid for? there is no free land anywhere in NY. so the using the land being owned by a political party holds no substance. Not saying your wrong but its not enough to say that this is a political funded party. and if it is, then it has gone opposite to what the goals were cause there are alot of anti Obama protestors down there...I mean alot

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

I'm not saying owned, I'm saying bought off... corruption. The reason why no one is trying to move or do anything about the protest is because it serves their purpose. Isn't it curious that the asset company buys the land and a few weeks later there is a protest on that land and then suddenly a company that made $2.3B in profits last year needs a bailout, just 1week after a protest starts. It isn't opposite of their goals, OccupyWallSt supports the president in 90% of the goals.. tax the rich, redistribute the wealth, green energy, etc and both are fully supported by the unions. No, this protest serves the president's agenda very well and is there with the democratic parties blessing. It is funny that Bloomberg complains yet his girlfriend has one of the few votes to actually force its removal and she doesn't vote.

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

Obama and the rest of the politicians are so screwed even if they haven't figured it out yet. Obama says he is for " taxing the rich, redistribute the wealth, green energy, etc " ... but actions speak louder then words ... Obama ..not one campaign promise not one. Even Obama care is not what he was talking about when campaigning ... Both parties work for the same people... the 99% are just waking up

[-] 1 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

what you bring up regarding the property is something of concern to look into. but as far as the protesters calling for these socialist changes are only a few people. I know Ive been there a few times and those are not my goals or many of the people that I know down there. its a variety of people down there, some dont know what the answer is but is looking for one. To say the goal of the group has a socialist agenda is not fully true, those are some of the goals of individuals. and many of them do not know those are tents of socialism. they just think thats the only solution to the problem is raising taxes and taking from the rich. they just need to be educated.

[-] 1 points by LNAB73 (82) from Oklahoma City, OK 13 years ago

Obama detests this movement as much as Cantor

[-] 1 points by davisstraub (52) 13 years ago

I seriously doubt that.