Forum Post: General Strike? - Prove the 99% is indespensible to the life this country leads. But only when ready...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:40 a.m. EST by troutface
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I believe that a General Strike is a very effective form of protest - The 1% would certainly tank if the entire 99% took off for a day or two. But a general strike is not effective unless it is truly "general" and involves a huge proportion of society. I think that this is an action that we must aim for, but we need to inspire a broader range of people.
I believe this is possible, and inevitable.
Very unlikely. Not enough people in this movement for it to be effective. Most will not risk their jobs for...whatever it is the "99%" want. If they do, there are millions who are unemployed who will gladly take their place.