Forum Post: General Assembly minutes from Occupy Kingston (upstate NY)!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:56 p.m. EST by MyHeartSpits
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just thought some people might like to take a peek at what's going on in some of the small cities and towns around where I live. I've already posted minutes from Occupy The Hudson Valley earlier. Here's Kingston, specifically:
Occupy Kingston NY MINUTES 10/20/11
-- Meeting at Barbara S's house, 7 pm
- Introductions -
Present: Valeria G, Ralph C, Barbara S, Betty P, Micky S, Rosalind S, James P, Art R, Joan M, Lin S, Arthur Z, Evan S
Making Agenda; brief discussion of meeting time, hand signals, process
Reportbacks -
Frances Fox Piven / Michael Ratner event: OK with both Oblong and Piven if we decide to do something. Evan probably deleting our FB 'page', too complicated; focusing on FB group. Still eyes open for a better solution. Barbara and James P describe huge OWS presence in Times Square after march uptown on the 15th. Valeria reported from Phila. National Lawyers' Guild meeting, drafted a resolution in support of OWS. Evan reported on Detroit sleeping bag/coat project: no response yet. Lei I. spoke about three MoveOn events: Join the Poughkeepsie Occupation on the 23rd of Oct., Bank Transfer Day on the 5th of Nov., , and Bring Troops Home (also in Poughkeepsie) on Nov. 12th, Veteran's Day. Ralph will check out UCCC Resource center as possible meeting place Evan to check out Back Stage Productions
- Issues -
More discussion of MoveOn, and confusion regarding 'branding' of actions /// MoveOn NOT welcome to call Actions or Assemblies in the name of OWS, but members welcome to join as individuals, of course! Discussion of Poughkeepsie occupation and our relation to it; is it the 'hub' of the Occupy movement in the Hudson Valley? /// Not necessarily, but they should have our support. Discuss the 99% Declaration next week. Need white board for Agendas /// Evan will get
- Actions -
Bank Transfer Day - Working committee: Art, Barbara, James, Lei; Ralph is going to do an action, wants to coordinate with others. MoveOn moved Kingston event to Poughkeepsie... should we do something on Nov.12? Yes. Details to be worked out. Leafletting before Piven/Ratner appearance at Oblong. Discussion of Valeria G running as a write-in candidate for Ulster County Executive... she would want support. It would be a positive for her, for Ulster Co. and for OWS movement if she won or lost... good exposure for ideas..
- Open Discussion -
No real time for this