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Forum Post: Occupy 2.0 -- Time for a plan: Engage Washington

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:06 a.m. EST by Meesa (173) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Thousands linked arms around Wall Street today. Subway riders heard stories. Thousands more walked the Brooklyn Bridge and were treated to a light show! What IS this? Honestly. Can you honestly tell me doing any or all of these things was more effective than taking your minds and bodies to Washington?

I am disgruntled, yes, because I see creativity, passion, relentless energy -- all being squandered on elaborate street theater and ad hoc communes and arguments about how often drummers can drum.

People grumble, "DC is corrupt!" "DC hasn't been listening -- that's why we have to take to the streets!!" Well, have we marched 1 million strong on the mall yet? No. Have we camped out by the thousands around the White House? No. Has every OWS supporter flooded their Federal, state and city representatives with their requests? No. Has OWS put forth a plan for the 2012 election? Not at all.

I propose, again, OWS 2.0 -- the next phase of Occupy. Getting the conversation going was essential -- and creative street tactics have been effective. Time for the next step -- making Washington listen, identifying specific laws to change or enact, pushing representatives to pass them (or electing in ones that will). I'm not the first person to say, "The whole world is watching -- and now what are you going to do?"




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[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

There is already an Occupy DC on the National Mall.

This tired, and uninformed.

[-] 1 points by itsbeentriedandfailed (29) 13 years ago

Form coalitions. The Tea Party Patriots agree with ending political and corporate corruption. Poverty and economic inequity are symptoms of the problem. Refuse corporate, PAC, and labor money. Then toss the political campain money private interest complex.

[-] 1 points by 2012shockingtruth (29) 13 years ago

You are absolutely correct, it is time for a plan! We can and should press on with activities to raise awareness and get the 99% involved while a plan is developed.

Everyone is encouraged to contribute ideas for a plan, a list of demands, etc. and there should be some place to capture these ideas for review and development.

There must be plenty of smart people who support this movement that can contribute the necessary ideas and knowledge.