Forum Post: Gandhi said this too....
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 26, 2011, 11:26 p.m. EST by GandhiKingMindset
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win." We should listen to that guy. He beat the British wearing a bedsheet. And his tactics formed the basis for civil rights movement success in the U.S. We have occupied and we have marched but we have not yet engaged in active resistence as he would promote. He would demand Wall St. shut down for a day listing the reasons why and when that demand wasn't met he'd work with supporters to shut it down for a day. To see how and why and what the results would be, please read previous post. Also, can anyone post a simple list of the top 20 corporate crimes / abused in the last ten years -- specific solid list? That would help bring more mainstream support.
I don't know what part of this people don't get... Gandhi never started a protest because he was generally unhappy.
You can't make progress without unity and you can have no unity without a single idea which all of the american 99% can get behind, and if you find one, support will flow in much faster.