Forum Post: Gambling with no chance of loosing.
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 10 p.m. EST by Chromer
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I think Jesse Ventura, not sure about the spelling, coined it best in his latest video on You Tube.
"If an average guy, goes to a casino and bets $10,000, and looses. He looses. Plain and simple.
But when the banks can go to the casino's and bet billions of dollars and not worry about loosing, because they know they will be bailed out by taxpayers, and still draw their bonuses, while bringing down the economy to boot, there is something terribly wrong with the system."
If you would like to check out the video clip. Log on to You Tube, type in TheMasterSovereign, then scroll down to Wall Street, posted on Sept. 28. Good time line explanation of the 2008 stock market crash and the following bank bail outs.
It's a little hollywood, but there is a lot of people in this country that think all this was just a big accident, mistake. Take a look. I think its pretty. accurate.