Forum Post: Gallup: Real 99 Percenters Twice as Likely to be Conservative as Liberal........
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 12:52 p.m. EST by brettdecker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
( - An analysis of more than 65,000 Americans polled by Gallup during the Obama presidency indicates that among the 99 percent of American adults who do not rank in the top one percent for income, conservatives outnumber liberals by approximately 2-to-1.
According to Gallup's data, Americans in the 99 percent are slightly more likely to say they are conservative than Americans in the top 1 percent—although the difference between the percentage of self-professed conservatives in the 99 percent and the percentage in the top 1 percent falls within the polling margin of error.
According to Gallup, 40 percent of the 99 percenters said they were conservatives while only 21 percent said they were liberals. Another 37 percent said they were moderates.
In the top 1 percent, meanwhile, 39 percent said they were conservatives while 20 percent said they were liberals. Another 41 percent of the top 1 percent said they were moderates.
Gallup derived these results from surveys it conducted between January 2009, the month Barack Obama was inaugurated, and November 2011. The surveys interviewed a total of 65,662 American adults. Of these, 397 earned incomes of $500,000 or higher. Gallup said that, according to the Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of American income earners consists of those who earn at least $516,633.
Gallup said the margin of error for its results from the 65,265 99 percenters it surveyed was +/- less than 1 percentage point. The margin of error for its results from the 397 1 percenters it surveyed was +/- 6 percentage points.
Republicans don't want to shrink government.
If they did they would cut war spending, subsidies to certain businesses, end business regulations that target the competition for their respective industries and close tax loopholes.
They also don't care about the deficit.
If they did they would realize that it can only paid if their taxes are raised.
They would also stop expanding government as it applies to personal behavior. They've made it more and more intrusive.
My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub ~Grover Norquist
This is the republican responsible for the taxpayer protection pledge.
Obama said if he gets another term, he want to expand the Gov even more and say's that is the reason why the economy is in rough shape right now. Wrong idea
I agree with you except the raising taxes.
There is one Republican that wants to shrink the size of government. He also cares about the deficit. He has been warning about this for 30 years. He is currently a presidential candidate.
You think Ron Lawl is going to get elected?
Yes. I learned about and supported him in '07.
Our people pushed hard to get him elected then, but most (like me) were just finding out about him and we were too late to build support. John McCain won the nomination.
This time around we've been ready from the start. The media laughed and wouldn't give Dr. Paul exposure in '07, but this time the story is entirely different. His message is getting out and even the media is starting to take him more seriously because his support keeps growing. After winning Iowa (prediction) the media will know for sure he is serious and the tidal wave of momentum will be enough to carry him to take on Obama, where he currently polls near evenly, and that's without many truly knowing him.
No, Ron Lawl isn't gonna be nominated, it's Gingrich or Romney now.
the truth on cns- he site was founded on June 16, 1998 under the name "Conservative News Service", using the domain name Back then, it had a three-year budget of $5.46 million, funded entirely by private donations, and a staff of four reporters and two editors. It was later officially named the Cybercast News Service,
As of 2007, described its role as serving an audience which puts a "higher premium on balance than spin."'s motto is "The Right News. Right now."'s editor from 1998-2005 was Scott Hogenson, who also worked as the chief of radio operations for the Republican National Committee in 2004.
check out the real good guy L. Brent Bozell - fox contributor and spokesman Ben is doing great, thank you
BFD? So it's Conservative. Facts are facts,regardless. The source is Gallup,you're redirecting and spinning, your opinion of CNS news is irrelevant to the poll. Stay focused.
lol this poll is a total joke...
First off most Conservatives don't support the OWS movement or call them self the 99%. It's obvious the play on words this poll is using to prove it's point. Also, most Democrats do not consider them self Liberals where as almost all Republicans are Conservatives.
How about some real "FACTS"... 48% of all registered voters identify them self as Democrats and less then 30% identify them self as Retarded... Sorry, Republican. The rest identify them self as independent.
Do you know how a poll works? This poll determined what the income levels of the people it polled were-and then THEY categorized them as "1%" or "99%". Most likely the respondents did not do that. And YOU don't get to determine what "most" Democrats do or do not consider themselves-THEY do and when asked by pollsters how they identified, they responded. Without calling you for permission first. darn.
"Social liberals (modern liberals) and progressives constitute roughly half of the Democratic voter base. Liberals thereby form the largest united typological demographic within the Democratic base. According to the 2008 exit poll results, liberals constituted 22% of the electorate, and 89% of American liberals favored the candidate of the Democratic Party." (National Exit Polls CNN 2009)
Rasmussen Report Nov 2011- survey of 15,000 adults- 33.4% Republican, 33.9% Democrat-
Gallup Poll Nov 7, 2011- "Between the start of 2008 and today, the percentage of Americans identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic has fallen from 50% to 43%. The percentage identifying as Republicans has risen from 37% to 40%, while the percentage of "pure" independents who do not lean toward either party has gone from 12% to 15%."
Do you know how registered voters work ? A hard number that has 0 margin of error. Give it up.
The numbers of registered voters in any given party does not mean those people have or will actually voted for the party they registered in.
And the number of voters in a poll that identify them self as Democrat or Republican don't always vote for the party they identify them self with.
Terrible argument. You can do better then that.
Why? You're not.
Here's a fact,you're full of shit. Insulting people with special needs,calling them "Retarded" when they have nothing to do with this subject is real low.
Typical bitter Leftist.
People get most upset when faced with the truth...
You Lefties have a hard time focusing.
You Righties have a hard time with reality, facts, common sense, education and intelligence. No one is perfect...
So why do you keep trying to discredit the poll results?
Reality:Obama/Dems all Leftists,have brought the economy (adding 5 trillion in debt in 3 yrs) to it's knees sustaining a 9% unemployment rate with their ideology and inept policies.
Is that what you call education and intelligence?
Common sense would dictate that Liberals would change course but what does Obama and the Dems do? Double down on more Utopian/Green stupidity while pissing away taxpayers money on more bullshit,and what do you Leftist Drones do? Continue worshiping at the altar of Epic Leftist Failure.
Those are the facts you're having such a hard time with.
Well, i see you are struggling with reality, common sense and facts ...
TARP was enacted on Bush's watch and the money was not spent until later once Obama took Office. Add in the Auto bail out's... Obama started his term $2 trillion in the hole from the mess Republicans created. This is a typical tactic of the Republicans. Run the country into the ground then when they lose power cry about how much money the Democrats are spending. I forgot to mention that Obama inherited the worst Recession since the great depression and 2 wars from the Republican reign of terror.
(edit) I also forgot to mention the 8 million jobs lost under Bush.
Good,you're still in denial. That's fine,just stay there.
Bush may have got the snowball rolling but Obama pushed it down the hill and now it's an avalanche. I haven't read one scrap of admission from you of any wrong doing on Obama's watch. This IS Obamas economy,he has admitted it why can't you? Typical of the Left.
I suppose that's what you're referring to as "reality". You deal in more nonsense and fact spinning then any type of reality.
" Bush may have got the snowball rolling but Obama pushed it down the hill and now it's an avalanche. I haven't read one scrap of admission from you of any wrong doing on Obama's watch. "
I couldn't agree more with that statement.
As for admission of Obama's wrong doings... lol, let me put it this way. I hope the presidential limo malfunctions and drives Obama off a very tall cliff. In a perfect world all Republican politicians and all but 2 Democratic politicians would follow him over that tall cliff also. You still think I'm in denial ?
" I hope the presidential limo malfunctions and drives Obama off a very tall cliff. In a perfect world all Republican politicians and all but 2 Democratic politicians would follow him over that tall cliff also."
HA,that's some funny shit. I'd argue that there a few Repubs I'd like to keep but that scenario would work for me too.
"You still think I'm in denial ?" Well, maybe not.
Our government is so corrupt and bought... It doesn't matter if you and i have different points of view. Neither of us will ever get what we want and we will both continue to get screwed by our government, corporate America and the banks. It's obvious that i don't like Republicans very much =P... I think there is one thing we can agree on though. Our government does not represent "us". Maybe we should come together and change that then work on the things we don't agree on ?
And that's what the OWS movement is about. Taking back our government and removing the corporate greed that plagues our political system.
"Maybe we should come together and change that then work on the things we don't agree on ?
I would go along with that, except from all that I've seen and read and found OWS is fundamentally a Leftist oriented entity.
That's because it is mostly made up of Democrats, Liberals and Progressives. What people have a hard time understanding, even a large portion of people that support the OWS movement, is that this is not about pushing political agenda. It never was and never will be. Sadly, the MSM wont tell you that and people from all political points of view never figured it out. They keep trying to make it something it's not. They keep trying to push their own political agenda... It's also why the OWS movement will fail miserably.
@tr. Some people do try to push their own political agenda in the OWS Movement. It is a free world afterall. Most people in the Movement follow the Mission Statement. The Movement is leaderless and non political.
"They keep trying to push their own political agenda... It's also why the OWS movement will fail miserably."
I completely agree.
When this: ( so called declaration is deemed to be an official statement/stance of OWS I would have to say no,I could not agree with much of it. It is clearly written from a Leftist perspective and agenda.
The OWS movement started out with one main goal but has lost it's focus and turned into a turd filled toilet with 100's of thousands of bad ideas, ridiculous political agendas and just plain ignorance.
That site you linked at one point had only a handful of ideas that were to the point and all things every one could get behind. 4000 nightsticks to the head later and it has turned into a jumbled mess of things only half this country wants.
CNS = foxian right wing rag
Hopefully Ben doesn't grow up to be an ignorant,close minded,propagandized Leftist Drone like his Dad.
This post looks political. The Occupy Movement is not interested in classifying people into groups such as liberal or conservative. It is there to "end the monied corruption of ur Democracy". The Movement is leaderless and non political. All are welcome, other than those who are corrupt.
Then why do they use signs that classify people into groups such as 1% vs 99%? Criminals vs victims? Why are some classifications acceptable and others are not?
You are a liar and are just spewing the OWS propaganda. Bullshit!!!!! OWS started from Left wing Adbusters and is still completely Leftist and Progressive in its demands,actions and motives. So full of shit.
Bypassing the childish insults, OWS did start from Adbusters. It is not propaganda. It is what the Movement stands for. It is interesting you use the word "progressive". Most of us want to progress and improve things.
Had to make an edit,misread your admission about Adbusters.
"It is not propaganda"=LIE
Leftists want to progress according to their Utopian ideology and agenda not by what is realistic and good for the country.
Just take a look at the EU,a prime example of what is accomplished by years of Leftist social and economic engineering......EPIC FAIL!!
I don't really know what you want. Every Movement has a mission statement stating things like their beliefs, cores values and what they would like to achieve. This is no more propaganda than the US Constitution is.
As for you mentioning the word "lie", you may think it is propaganda, and that is your point of view. To have a point of view which you believe in is not a lie.
As an aside, I think you are seriously misinformed about the EU. I personally don't think much of the EU, but it could get better.
lets not forget that repelicans have made a cottage industry of vilifying anything that is liberal
and therefore many might prefer to identify themselves as moderates.
Conservative and Liberal 99%ers would both come closer to having their way if the voice of the People were to be restored in our government. As it currently stands, only the 1% is having their way, to all of our detriment. This faux republican/democrat divide has only weakened us while enriching the elite who feign political allegiances when, in fact, they are only in it for themselves and their cronies -- they have no allegiances, not even to our flag.
Was this a big shock to Canadians who thought they were just like us?
I think the definition of 99% being those not being in the top 1% re: income is different than what the OWS is defining as the 99%. I know many who are in the actual 99% re: income who do not relate or consider themselves to the 99% as represented by the OWS.
In spite of this Republican propagandist Luntz is scared to death of OW nd it's effective message that is reaching more and more of the 99 every day.'s_trying_to_spin_the_movement/
Here's another survey from Gallup- December 5, 2011 U.S. "1%" Is More Republican, but Not More Conservative Nearly half of wealthiest Americans have postgraduate education by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- Politically, the wealthiest 1% of Americans -- those in households earning $500,000 or more annually -- are somewhat to the right of the remaining 99%, but more in terms of party identification than self-professed ideology.
One-third of the nation's "1%" identify themselves as Republicans, 41% as independents, and 26% as Democrats. This is a mirror image of the "99%," a third of whom are Democrats, with 39% independents and a quarter Republicans.
Party ID and Ideology of U.S. Adults by Wealth Status, Combined Gallup Polls, 2009-2011
The 1% is a "mirror image" of the 99% in political demographics. VERY interesting. The survey (I didn't post this part) also shows that when asked whether they were "conservative, liberal, or moderate" the numbers are even CLOSER-what the 1% reported was almost exactly what the bottom 99% reported. Eerily close.
I actually am not surprised at all by this. It seemed that a lot of the people at the tea party rallies were actually pretty poor.
actually, the demographics of the TP show them to be well above average in terms of income and wealth.
Can you link to your stats?
Not only wealthier, but better educated.......and able to do the google. ;)
I was just curious about your particular source, not the 2.4 billion other Google hits. LOL BTW, I've been noticing one important difference between media coverage of the TEA party and OWS. From the beginning, the TEA party was called "racist" and the media "proof" was how few blacks attended the rallies. Now OWS has about the same low number of blacks attending and yet there is no mention of racism. Interesting.
Accepting and incorporating true statistics like the ones above are critical to OWS success. 77% are either moderate or conservative. If OWS doesn't cater to and make itself equally supportive of those people-if they only cater to and attract the liberals. They will fail. It's simple math people.
Everytime someone in OWS posts negative, slanderous, hostile opinions here directed towards conservatives, they are attacking the very people they need to have standing with them.
Just something to think about.
This clinches it. OWS is discredited.
This is something we've always known but the media would never admit.
What? We have the most conservative media in comparison to the rest of the world. There's no need to admit it, that's what they are.
The truth hurts,I understand this is rather uncomfortable for many to hear.
I support the OWS movement and I'm a fiscal conservative that has always voted along the Republican Party line. I believe in affordable housing, affordable health care, affordable education and overall a middle class lifestyle that provides these items,in addition to, affording transportation, food, clothing and a pension savings plan. I believe in these things for one reason. I have lived through this time period. Once NAFTA was signed and the "idea" that we must shift to a global workforce the slow decades of middle class deterioration. If anyone thinks that the OWS movement is wrong then I suggest you figure out what $1000 in a savings bank account would have accumulated in 5 years? Are you impressed because that is how an older generation survived and still survives today? I'm comfortable hearing the about statistics.
"I support the OWS movement"
So you as (c)onservative are saying you support this?:
I'm a fiscal conservative and there are many ideas that I support. There are also ideas that are far too left of this universe for me to grasp. I have always believed that change can be achieved in the power of the vote. I also believe that every incumbent should be voted out of office. Newt Gingrich is just reinventing himself and he's out in left field too. I support the OWS movement because they are doing what our political leaders have failed to do. If your leader will not speak up for you then it's time you speak for yourself. I don't have to agree with every idea or thought that splinters from this movement and I find it extremely easy to support their right to speak out against corporate greed, corporate influence that has damaged our system of government, the failed mortgage policies and the manipulation of our housing market to create a inflated valuation of this market and the continued expansion between the rich and the middle class.