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Forum Post: FYI: Syria

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 2:47 a.m. EST by freedomfighter777 (156)
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An average of 9 people a day have been dying in Syria for the last seven months protesting their oppressive regime please show you support for fellow freedom fighters



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[-] 2 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

Please don't ask the Nobel Peace Prize winner to go in and help them.

[-] 1 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

what??? Why would you say that? what are you inferring?

[-] 3 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

I know, call me crazy, but I don't think that the Syrians want all that Obama "love and democracy" delivered by drones.

[-] 1 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

Neither do I I feel that my point has been misunderstood. I am not saying it is our duty to get involved or tell them what to do nor do they want our help. But as fellow humans trying to change our country we can all at least take a moment of silence for those innocent people who are being murdered in the hopes of peaceful change.

[-] 1 points by owstag (508) 13 years ago

Gimme a break; you're going to compare stoner children of rich white people squatting in a park with people risking their lives in an authentic revolutionary context? Puhleeze...

[-] 1 points by marcec (22) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

No, the Syria revolt is funded by the Wall Street criminals that we are protesting, just like what they did in Libya. Now what did Libya and Syria have in common? They didn't play ball with our banksters, so were declared "rogue nations". The US government, the banksters, and other Fortune 500 companies then fund groups like National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, Foundation for Defense of Democracies to create these protests to try to either bring Assad down or to give NATO an excuse to attack.

 Report: US funding Syrian opposition

WikiLeaks: Documents show US gave at least $6 million to Assad's opponents by Sept. 2010

The State Department has been secretly financing opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad, The Washington Post reported, citing previously undisclosed diplomatic documents provided to the newspaper by the WikiLeaks website."


"Syria: Next for Libya-style 'humanitarian' intervention?"

The situation in Syria is far from transparent as the armed status of the “protesters” is regularly glossed over in the Western corporate media.

In the few instances in which it is mentioned, they are just labeled “opposition gunmen” then the mainstream media continues to pretend they are peaceful pro-democracy activists who are victim of an evil government.

If Americans took up guns against the United States government, you can bet they wouldn’t be characterized as peaceful pro-democracy protesters, yet when it happens in Syria they are given special status." http://www.activistpost.com/2011/10/is-syria-next-target-for-western-libya.html

I'm sorry, but we have nothing in common, you have been duped into supporting a movement that will hand your country to the very same people we are protesting now, Wall Street. I hope your movement fails without anymore bloodshed. Syria needs Bashar Assad if it is to stay free from the banksters and to avoid the fate of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

[-] 1 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

You are sadly misinformed they are not taking up arms in Syria they are being shot by snipers at peaceful protests. Wall Street did not fund their uprising or Egypt's nor Tunisia. Those were catalysts that lead to this movement. This is a fight America cannot and will not get involved in, this is agreed upon by all parties. I have seen first hand footage and heard stories from friends who are there.don't believe the media anti Arab propaganda it is such misconception and racist rhetoric that is used to keep us in a perpetual state of war.

[-] 1 points by marcec (22) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

All the evidence I linked to says otherwise, both articles also link to several other sources both mainstream and alternative news, I will believe them before I believe the propaganda comming from the state department.

[-] 0 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

Yes but all you have received is propaganda i have seen videos and pics from.people who are there. And no they do not want or need americas help. All i am asking is.that we recognize, take a moment of silence if you will, that there are those suffering far worse for.the cause of freedom

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

I agree Assad is terrible, but many of his loyalists are suporting him.


The US would have to jump thru some hoops to send troops there to take him out. The UN is not going to want to deal with that right now when the Palestinian statehood vote is forthcoming. We don't even have the troops out of Iraq yet. We have gory pictures of the end of Gaddafi's reign of power being seen in the news. People can only handle so much war. The question needs to be asked why was nothing done back when he murdered over 20,000 people in the 1980's who tried to liberate themselves? I think you know the answer, they were led by from the Muslim Brotherhood, and the US did not want to support them. Our wars are strategically timed.

We should also be asking why none of the other allied nations ever start the wars in these countries or send an equivalent amount of fighters, they send token amounts.

[-] 0 points by tarnfeathers (39) 13 years ago

Freedom fighters? So they can implement sharia law and continue to form a world wide caliphate? No thanks. Whats worse an oppressive regime or a slave nation that uses sharia law?

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Read about Tunisia's elections, Mr. Beck.

[-] 0 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

Those are interesting points that have been brought up I too just listened to an NPR interview saying the same thing. However we as Americans in this era have been fed propaganda at a gluttons pace by the established industrial military complex in this country. Who are we too stop the spread of change through peaceful protest. sharia law. Do you not think that with ideas and information spreading, as quickly as they are these days, that people will allow such oppression. Also who are you, in fact, who are we as a country to dictate to others which government they should have or how they should live. It is this"American exceptional ism" and imperialistic attitude that has mad the world a increasingly difficult place to be an American. It is a such thinking that leads us to be in the business of nation building. Im sorry but we have bigger problems at home that we need to take care of. Lets fix America before we try to fix the world. For all you pompous people out there that are debating what you think would be in our best interest children are dying and people are being mutilated all in the name of standing up to oppression. I feel it is not up to us to judge or intervene but as fellow humans trying to change our country is posh conditions we can at least take a moment to recognize their struggle.

[-] 1 points by tarnfeathers (39) 13 years ago

My point is that we shouldn't be getting involved at all. Let them do as they will. Do not send my children to a foriegn land to help them go from a dictator to something even worse.

[-] 1 points by freedomfighter777 (156) 13 years ago

And if you read my stated position you would.see.that i agree let me be frank THE LAST THING AMERICA NEEDS IS ANOTHER WAR. I am just asking to stand in solidarity for those who are.loosing their.lives in the name of freedom.