Forum Post: Future goal???
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 8:09 a.m. EST by Marcbraden
from Old Bridge, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The majority of america hear the words and agree. But to be suscessful in change now the time to create a new party and people to step forward to run for office. Cause current people in office hear but have corporate money in pocket inoring the protestors. The occupy group has the mass support not it need leaders with honor to run for office and make a change. me im looking at my area debating between township or school board election running for. But need ppl going for hogh positions. Gotta run later, marc email
Impeach Congress,The Supreme Court,Abolish The Federal Reserve,IRS,crooks stealing trillions from the people,Treasonous Traitors printing trillions of dollars backed by no goods or services,from thin air,poof wow with a click of a mouse they just printed another trillion and charge the people 5% tax bill on 50Trillion dollars..Treachery at its finest..These respected criminals have bankrupted the world economy selling stuff they dont have,futures siver,gold,coffee,chocolate,sugar, backed cdos..Arrest these traitors House of Rothschild,Rockefeller,Bush1,2, Clinton..Seize their assets,500 trillion,distribute the wealth to all people of the world,the ones these transnationals have for generations stolen and manipulated,started wars,war profiteering,killing millions of people in the process with their collateral damage..We will then stimulate the economy and live in peace..
Wow. Im afraid that wont work. I understand your pissed but try to keep the limbic system in check please. If you had your way we'd put all the rich in ghettos to teach'em a lesson. Then when we get tired of looking at em we put em in concentration camps...see where im going with this. Believe me by no means am I saying let them go Scott free but you really need to think about what your saying.