Forum Post: fundamental changes in national and international social systems
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:05 p.m. EST by socialjustice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
occupy wall street protesters may not have a concise list of demands, but it is evident that there are basic problems with our society and other societies around the globe. First of all there is an widening gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, and this is making it harder and harder for people without large amounts of wealth to survive. Second, the people who are the most powerful are being given the opportunity to abuse their power and they are taking full advantage of this opportunity. You know who i am talking about. Humanity is becoming more and more globally connected, economically and socially, and there are no governing laws or governing bodies to deal with this. People around the world are experiencing similar oppression and it is not beyond our power to include everyone in our cause. Some possible requests that can be made to governments is that they work together to create global economic standards and basic global laws regarding economic interactions. It should not be legal for a more advantaged country to exploit one that is disadvantaged. This kind of a relationship hurts both countries as the more developed country will suffer job loss due to the unfair wage advantage that is implicit in the trade relations between a first and a third world country. Another important change that i believe needs to happen is that our justice system needs to allocate more of its resources and create stricter laws around economic transactions. I apologize that my writing is not refined, and my ideas are not expanded, if needed i will refine a complete explication.