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Forum Post: Fuel "Trades" "Securities" and "Futures" at Wall Street are where the current source of America's woes reside

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 7:52 a.m. EST by knowledgebase (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As the securities and futures of gas and oil is traded up - (More people need coal and oil for winter heating) - those traders are reaping profit by trading up the price of fuel and oil, which translates to HIGHER grocery prices for everyone regardless of race, color or creed.

The dwindling manufacturing base of America is not able to hire more workers due to the cost of fuel rising in relation to the cost of transporting materials to the factories and plants which make up the American industrial base.

Big factories cannot attract investors because the cost of materials and their transportation make them cost prohibitive.

ATTENTION! No big factories = no big employers!

The people of America have basically three options:

  1. Remove the sale and control of fuel pricing from commodities or influence under Traders.
  2. While in these [Occupy **...] groups have each individual with a desktop or laptop find their Senator or Representative for their state and congressional district and bring an idea discussing the re-nationalization of fuel prices with a Congressional purchasing cap set so that fuel cost will decrease to help industry and people come together and make our nation an Industrial powerhouse again.
  3. For those not interested in a solution, well they can sit around and bitch and moan and make a spectacle of themselves for mainstream media by yelling, shaking their fists and waving signs. That sounds like more fun to do anyway.

Now for those sitting around hoping something better will happen,... when something does come along it is shouted down or ignored or ridiculed by the enemies of America.

Purchasing caps set by Congress should be determined by American's willingness to stop irritating oil producing countries with wars and un-natural desire to control the peoples of those regions as well as keeping the cost of fuel for regular Americans below $1.25 a gallon.

America needs Gas and Oil to exist.

It is time to reign in the traitors (traders) and approach the possibility of restoring our American industrial base and lower food prices and reduced transportation costs so the jobless will have REAL opportunity for gainful employment and money to spend in stores.



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[-] 1 points by knowledgebase (1) 13 years ago


Time to sit back, watch news coverage of Occupy Wall Street grab some popcorn and find that old Johnny Rebel 45 R.P.M. record titled "Looking for a handout"

I believe that will help the people more than anything since standing in front of giant news cameras waving signs or shaking my fist would just contribute to the newsmedia fodder.

"They are looking for a handout, wanting something free,..."

Anyway, I hope that some people can see the humor in my hopelessness for those standing in front of the camera giving the rest of America a sideshow of disorganized thinking.