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Forum Post: fuck this

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 12:25 p.m. EST by BlackOpII (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now there is active censorship on this board. You have become what you claim to protest against.



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[-] 2 points by LastWaltz (115) from Medford, NY 13 years ago

There are trolls on every board, I don't think it changes the board or movement too much to remove something like "you all suck, I hate you"

[-] 1 points by mbsss (92) 13 years ago

Sadly a civil society requires a few traffic rules since there are folks who can't seem to defer to others--at intersections--or in controlling speed... or just being kind.

[-] 1 points by MattE (74) 13 years ago

Um, you do realize your speech isn't protected here, or on any website other than your own, right?

This site belongs to OWS/the company it's using as a hosting service (unless it's self hosted, of course...is it?). It's OWS' house, OWS' rules. They can do what they want. If you dislike this, feel free to start your own site. OWS will have no authority censor you there.

This is part of the greater problem of people misunderstanding free speech rights. If OWS decided to setup shop on say, my front lawn, I'd be fully within my rights to kick them off my lawn. They would be allowed to setup on the street right next to my house(provided they do so within local traffic ordinance), as that's public property.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Every forum I've ever participated in was moderated to some degree.

I tried to post on Michelle Malkin's blog once and I couldn't even get an account.

When you post on biggovernment.com if you disagree with them, all the regulars come & downvote your posts so they become invisible.

Damn censorship!

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

There is no censorship here.

[-] 1 points by howRya (42) 13 years ago

Exactly. Yesterday I saw a whole thread disappear. I suspect it was because it was about emails found that shows that this "movement" has been in the making for over a year. This wasn't a spontaneous grassroots event. It was calculated.

[-] 1 points by ChristopherABrown (550) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Show us sincerely how you will support and defend the constitution and justify your support for free speech. Strengthen your complaint with something tangible.

[-] 0 points by greentara (78) 13 years ago

same with the leaders of OWS having $260k in the bank and looking to rent an apartment, they already have a cfo...hmmm...what does that sound like?