Forum Post: trusted anti government store new shirts available
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 4:31 a.m. EST by angry13
This content is user submitted and not an official statement order fuck the police gear to show your dis approval for the way the police are handling this peaceful occupation there is every size available buy now if the site is backed up wait and come back i even ordered one for my grandma i hate this crap they are killing us
If you want to stay at the 99% level inclusiveness, the police-persons are included.
well we are kind of seperate and the only link is we have been fighting police brutality and big boss corporate bullying for some time larry is the founder maybe you heard of him thanks for the comment did you buy a shirt?
ok then
its not difficult either you buy or browse like 26000 people have or dont put your 2 cents in because we dont give change
Why don't you just wear it?
we do ?
that is stupid you are losing money that way your prices are reasonable with free shipping you will go broke just saying
nahh weve done quite well thank you for the advice though!
we have a special promotion for the next 50 customers buy one get one shirt free except the fuck the police tees as we are all sold out
What is wrong with you people? When the police tell you to stop, back up, shut up, or anything at all, listen. If you don't, they have every right to do as they see fit. That is their job. If you don't follow their directons, don't bitch about the consequences!!! If you want respect you gotta give it. If not, anything goes.
thanks guys!
np your very welcome
we are sold out of this style of tee sorry
we have made remarkable progress in this uphill fight but not without all of your continued support
we are sol dout of this style thank you
Im making t-shirts that say bring on the snow. Who wants one?
if you cant afford to buy the t-shirt surely you can donate accordingly to the victims of police brutality healing fund this money raised in donations will go mostly to our fallen friend scott olson do what you can to help this become a fight worth fighting
that makes sense then
yes thank you
Instead of buying fuck the police gear, how about instead just buying police gear?
i hope more people buy shirts for the organization to thrive i will buy one larry thats all i can do right now
wow thanx for taking the time to post on my post larry thats awesome man thank you so much for leeting me help you also
I am larry a organizer for human rights i would like to personally thank you all for your shirt orders so far we have sold 500 shirts this is really great so you know a portion raised will go to a scott olson get well package thank you all agin your pal larry siccero
support the revolt agianst police brutality its a donation but you get a good tshirt thanx again everyone
buy a tshirt to support this movement the reality alot dont see till now open your eyes
know your rights when you are arrested or be viloated!
we need to make the police accountable look at this video
thank you andy for your order there will be hoodies but not at this time ok
i cant waitt for my shirts thanx man
We should all dress in riot gear for Marches ... Where can we buy riot gear ? ... Or get hockey pads and millitary surplus clothes ... Need shields ... And start throwing flowers at the cops and hug them when ever possible ... Maybe start a hug brigade
i sent my buddy jonsey to you guys did he place an order yet?
yes we still have shirts like 600 more so dont worry
sold 300 shirts since this morning that is wonderful on my radio show im going to have a ny police officer on the show and believe me im opening and not censoring the phone lines
Are you talking about this shirt? Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit.
Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig.
Draw a hippies fucking like dogs.
Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
this was completely useless you must be a cop
I am.
nahh we just say fuck the police for now lmfao thanx anyway
dont be scared our voices must be louder then theirs wear the shirts proud
im thinking if im brave enough to buy one lol
occupy los angelas thank u for your order really helps our cause thanks to dennis i know your working hard out there respect brother
we in oakland thank you my brother for the shirt ideas we look forward to seeing you at our rally if only just for a visit
you are very welcome thank oyu for the order we will be there asap
i bought 15 shirts for my organization hope this helps your cause also
thanx bro
im thinking with all the requests we should order hoodies and hats
Why not focus our anger on the message. How a bout a "Fuck BIg Banks" shirt I would buy that.
we can order on like that if you would like just never had that request before
does larry still put money aside for victims of police brutality?
yes he does
does it only come in 2 colors?
wow 100 shirts thats , which group are you with?
yes i ordered 4 shirts before you dropped the price does that mean ill get 8?
we are working as fast as we can but there will be enough shirts in every color there also is no hoodies or hats so stop asking please
we expect that orders over 10 shirts would arrive as fast as if you ordered one yes does that help?
absolutely we will double the order for the first batch of buyers this morning and again we are sorry about that
thank you for lowering the price but i already purchased 2 shirts can you send me 2 more for free then for the mistake
umm ok thats better no I can see buying a couple shirts from you guys 40 dollars was way too high before
im glad you are happier now :)
lol ok now i can see my self buying these shirts thanks for dropping your rates you will see your sales will increase with this cheaper price
we appolagize yes the price was marked a little high and because we dont wan to seem greedy the price has been dropped to also taxes waived please feel free to buy at these more reasonable prices
this is really great response to this issue
More fire is needed ! YES this is what it is really all about !
More fire is needed ! YES this is what it is really all about !
there is more simple purchase options for these shirts follow the link to order
oakland keeps ordering wow must be some real bull shit happening there with the police
well thats awesome occupy oakland orders another 50 shirts they have the right idea i am positive larry being an activist will use some of the proceeds to help fight the police in cvil cases like he always has done so in the past
wow thats great occupy oakland just ordered 40 shirts to start we just like to say for the record fuck the police
you should put em on ebay bois you will sell out for sure if you havnt already
my brother was attacked for no reason in new york these shirts send a good clear message to the fraternal order of police in new york thank you this i will support
ha lol yes sure ill buy a shirt
yes for the 100 or so that have bought one just goes to show you that people are not going to sit back and tolerate this police brutality anymore they cant be allowed to investigate their own wrongdoings
I really dont care I will wear this shirt loud and proud it is absolutely disgusting the way these cops are handling this!
there is both black and white
yes there is both styles still available thanx all
wow i hear larry selling em fast you shoul dorder hoodies and hats they would sell also
there still shirts for sale thanx for all the support
you can only buy 1 at a time?
Police action will be driven by public opinion. To solve the police problem, develop sophisticated strategies to bring public opinion onside.
Check this out: Embarrassing religious leaders into supporting the movement's aims is a good way of bringing mainstream public opinion onside. Already in the UK there is a groundswell of popular support from unexpected (socially conservative) quarters. This has happened accidentally just because St. Paul's became involved by default when Stock Exchange protesters were moved on. It's time to learn a lesson from this and to address religious leaders publicly and directly to persuade them to support the movement's aims
Must address the police they're FROM people, not from the government, and that security is not with the government, and will not be in isolation from the economic situation, the capitalist does not know a police officer and a security man, but knows how to earn money without caring is lived or have been, or starved, or sleeping in the street, question is directed to the police on what fighting for this country????
really... really fuck the police... really.... i just slapped myself on the head. so what would have happens if there was no police till now there the ones TRYING there best to keep it as less violent possible. and jes they use violence. just like u all. VERBALLY! dont call people nazi etc. its not even close to being humanitarian. i am upset about what is going on but they are protecting the ones that are scared from u.. even considered that ?
I just officially lost what little support I had for this movement. My son was right about it, figures. He just wanted me to see for myself.
it only lets you buy one at a time why?
for some reason you can only buy one at a time dont no if it is due to limited left makes sure you leave size and style as a message
Remember we are in our infancy and many do not yet understand the message. If we break all bridges with police officers now, we could set ourselves a harder mission. If we get their unions if we bring them to understand, we would have a very very easy piece of cake walk in doing what we want to do. Until the REST of the 99% understands and gets behind us, they are fearful of losing their jobs, upsetting the boat (for example only 5% of workers stayed home in Oakland for the strike) and will take time to understand, then join. It should not be 'either you are for us or against us!' but 'If you listen to what I have to say and see what is happening, I know you will be for us." Give ALL the people some time, for crying out loud, to hear, to hear again, to understand. The day we make friends with the cops and work with understanding, is the day they come on our side of the barricade.
aww dont be scared by a tee bro is worth it to display our anger
hoodies will have to be ordered there is none right now just the tees sorry guys
thanks bettywhite ill keep that in mind
this is great guys thanks so much holding police accountable is key to everyones safety thanks again for all this support
im in i just follow that link ?
sold ill buy one and maybe more i hate the cops what they did to scott and all the other victims
i ordered 5 angry13 wanna keep larry busy lol he can be lazy :)
you guys have hoodies that gear looks tight good job u should get hats as well
there is only 300 left so thought let you guys know now hey betttywhite can you call me i need to speak with that lawyer you mentioned thanx girl
fuk ya ill buy for sure bro
lol i dont know all the answers they are not my shirts i dont even make a comisiion on them
ill support larry and buy one sure angry12 oops i mean 13 lol good to see you back
i have no money but would love one free
lol ok ill budge is there any deal if we buy more then one? also this is through larry sicero right?
thank you lol but it is helping larry out not me but thanx for the support all
There's nothing peaceful about OWS protesters throwing bottles and rocks at police BEFORE police did anything.
Now Oakland is burning, OWS is raping people...bravo!
American can see the Leftist Marxist Anarchist OWS for what it really is.
lol i dont know about ordering for my grandma but i will order for me and my wife thanx man
cant believe anyone supports the police on this forum wow
i just ordered 2 shirts for my gf and i thanx larry
Might as well just wear one that says:
"Please Kick My Ass First"
that would not be the right message
nahh it is the right thing to do
our voice is united they cant hurt all of us
Yeah, but they can hurt enough to make a lot more reconsider. lol
would you be afraid to wear the shirt?
I wouldn't be "afraid" but I wouldn't wear it for a variety of reasons. Among them, that it's directly provacative with no real point beyond that.
i think the black style shirt logo is more awesome thanx larry
thank you for addressing this problem you guys are doing a good thing keep it up!
yw :)
buy a shirt man support this cause
good buy that is for sure :)
thank you again guys great idea i see your radio website also advertising these tees you are pretty passionate on the subject and that is ok with me
thanx bettywhite truly!
Its not all peaceful. "City officials released a statement describing the spasm of unrest.
"Oakland Police responded to a late night call that protesters had broken into and occupied a downtown building and set several simultaneous fires," the statement read. "The protesters began hurling rocks, explosives, bottles, and flaming objects at responding officers. Several private and municipal buildings sustained heavy vandalism. Dozens of protesters wielding shields were surrounded and arrested."
Protesters reported running from several rounds of tear gas and bright flashes and deafening pops that some thought were caused by "flash bang" grenades. Fire crews arrived and suppressed the flames.
please show we wont tolerate this by proudly wearing these shirts rage this machine yes
Wow, quite an effective example of a run-on sentence.
do you have to be technical ie been up for 2 days helping out where i can
It's great that you're helping out on the field, but if you can't write properly you should let someone else do it since it harms the image of OWS.
Ya guys! Fuck the cops man! Awesome!
hey dont be so rude angry13 is a fighter for us back off
Let me be so bold to suggest, Golden girl, that if this movement sinks so low to ignore the proper grammatical construction of its ideas, doom is sure to follow. Think of the children who look to adults for good composition. Why, examine your own sentence, if you are so brazen to call it such? No capitalization, no ending punctuation and, yes, a run-on sentence as well. Remember the words of Napoleon, "a revolution is an idea that has found its bayonets but what of bayonets if they are blunted with the tyranny of ill-constructed prose." Viva La Literacy or may your 8.5" x 11" sheets run red with a teacher's pen.
Are you saying constructive criticism is not welcomed by the movement? Shouldn't we be helping each other by keeping ourselves in check. He's representing your movement after all. Don't you want people who write well?
k - gues u r write lets al fuk the kops!
you guys should have hoodies and hats as well
ya man you guys should get hoodies and hats its gettin cold hoodies would rock
ill buy 3 right now is that the link? thanx
good concept ive ordered 3 ok
did larry sell out of the large already?