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Forum Post: From the united fruit company in the early and mid 1900,s to nafta dumping subsidized corn from mega farms in usa into Mexico

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 8:42 a.m. EST by coldtac (0)
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From the united fruit company in the early and mid 1900,s to nafta dumping subsidized corn from mega farms in usa into Mexico and other Latin countries and big corporations wanting to cheapen the labor pool in the usa from the bottom up, we have many people here illegally who are splitting up their families to come here in an attempt to feed themselves and their families.

Big oil and nuclear energy buys politicians to not go green and block any rational discussion in starting right now to MASSIVLY build our infrastructure for wind and solar. Germany get 20% of its energy from renewable's right now and is still pushing hard into the future as we sit around and protest fracking.

Supporting any jobs bill that comes out of this corrupted political system is foolish. Please, we must understand that we hold the power, asking the corrupted to do something for us is silly. We must focus on the top and overthrow their system. We can readjust this system in order to pay for what needs to be done. Remove the corruption and put in place incentives. Incentives that eliminate profit over people=greed but incentives for people and the earth. OWS can be the leader in this. They have the spirit of an incredible generation that will succeed in changing this corrupt system.



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