Forum Post: From the OWS survey
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:35 p.m. EST by independentmind
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please, click this link. What I'm about to tell you is real.
"Repeal the Patriot Act. Dismantle the corporate state. Dismantle the Pentagon, its budget, etc...and, eliminate the Department of "Defense". Petition the Supreme Court to re-open the "corporation is a person" concept, or file a massive citizen suit against the government for allowing this fallacy to continue. Universal "free" higher education for all; with a two year dedication on graduation for peace corp and or service within our own country to serve the needy. This is just a start."
WHY are all these lumped together??? What a bunch of BS. Seriously.
Repeal the Patriot Act, yes. Absolutely. Direct violation of our constitutional rights.
Dismantle the corporate state? What does that even mean? Is that code for "smash capitalism"?
Dismantle the pentagon? What??? Are you now using code for "smash democracy"?!
Eliminate the DOD? Are you insane?!
Universal free higher education? Only if you want a lynch mob of people who've already done their due diligence. Higher education is a choice, not a "right". Make it affordable? Yes. Make it free? No way.
Judas Priest.
This even these surveys are screwed. And if this "choice" I just quoted becomes a reality... I will join the 53% against you... even though I hate 90% of their bullshit more than OWS.