Forum Post: From the eyes of a common man- what needs to be done to fix this country
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:11 p.m. EST by liberalasian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1) Scrap the existing tax-code and create a new one that favors no one. the plan should tax everyone making $40000 or more at one universal rate. the tax-free bracket should rise every year in tandem with the inflation rate. to remove disparities in income due to regional differences in cost-of-living expenses, the AGI of a person should be calculated by factoring in the Cost-of-living index. there should be no exemptions for any kind of income 2) Health-care based on the current health-insurance schemes should be scrapped. Everyone should pay out-of-pocket for basic health care. This would include doctors visits for common ailments. Health-insurance coverage should be only for treatment of life-threatening ailments but not include chronic ailments 3) Social-security should be scrapped. Instead a new retirment scheme should be established which is voluntary. People wishing to save for their retirement should be allowed to save in government bonds that do not trade on the exchanges. The contributions made to this scheme should be tax-free. dividends earned from these contribution should be tax-free too. A person should also be allowed to make tax-free withdrwals from the contribution if he/she has stayed invested in the scheme for a minimum of 15 years or at the age of retirement whichever happens earlier. 4) Eliminate all and every kind of subsidy given to any industry or group.
Ron Paul,
Thank you for your opinion but I don't agree with everything you have to say. In fact I'm not sure how much I agree with anything you say. I will agree with your sentiment that something is wrong... But your do-it-on-your-own mentality is not what built the greatest nation in the 20th century.
A weak Federal Government would make us another European Union.
It is the strength of the Federal Government that built our national highway system. Got us to the Moon.
Yes, there are problems in our Government, and there will always be corruption and problems... But the problem is Corporations, not Government. Regulation and enforce the laws we have could bring us back to some balance between business needs and public protections.
1) Wont work.Even if you tax the rich at 90% they will still end up eventually with all the money and all the wealth. All the tax rate does is speed up( in cases of lower taxes) or slows down( raising taxes) the rate at which they acquire all the wealth. Thus taxing them at the same rate as a poor person means they will acquire the wealth much faster than the current system. People will still get poor but at a faster rate and the rich will still get rich at a faster rate.
2)Health care is a human right. It is inhumane for a poor person to die because he is poor and cant afford the same care afforded to the rich. Health care should be govt run and should be taxed( such as the medicare tax). Private sector should be banned from the health care field. The cost of health care would drop to about 1/3 of what it is now. Our health system is terrible for how much it cost per person and it has gotten worse every year in relation to other countries.
3)SS is flawed and either needs reworked or replaced.
4) I agree on this one.
Not bad at all!
Please use credit unions because one person one share in the credit union. Also try to buy from cooperatives like ocean spray. co-ops are good because one person can not control it again one person one share, the 1% could not be that if most all companies were cooperatives, start buying, working, and banking with cooperatives and credit unions, if most of us do the power of the 1% will shrink. This would help solve lot of capitalism's problems of the 1% owning most of the capital, excuse the pun. Please copy and pass this message on!