Forum Post: from spokane
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 11:59 a.m. EST by spokaneman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
being too enmeshed in the process, it's difficult for ows people to see things objectively.
i'm not enmeshed.
i see that big business / government (ie, the elite establishment) do not respect the ows movement & its participants, therefore it has little chance of getting a good foothold & making a long-term difference.
(always w media coverage) here are steps to help alleviate that:::::
big business / government need to be advised on how to deal creatively w ows: for instance, "rather than calling out the police, come & talk to us, our ows representatives. we're peaceful; we're intelligent; we have valid complaints; we represent the 99% -- people who vote & purchase products/services. meet with us at x o'clock, at _."
(dealing w big business / government in general is too diffuse &, therefore, ineffective, SO one or two or three representative organizations should be chosen (ie, trustees/upper management of a big bank &/or financial services firm &/or pharmaceutical or oil giant &/or a city council &/or university.)
purposes / goals of ows need to be specific & made clear to the media, big business, government entities.
big business & government entities need to be made aware of exactly what is expected of them (steps to take, concessions to make,...) to help achieve the goals.
big business / government need to be made aware of the consequences (negative press, unpopularity (eg, "unamericanness") of their corp/products/services, boycotts, loss of investors, fall in stock prices,...) if they do not help or cooperate to achieve the goals.
- those who represent ows -- in front of the media / big business / government -- should dress nicely, be intelligent & well informed & speak that way too.
- keep encampments clean & neat.
- discourage those who join the movement/encampments simply as an opportunity to "crash," hangout,...