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Forum Post: From protesting to organizing a fight against unemployment

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 8:27 p.m. EST by VicC (0)
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The Occupation movement can attract many important supporters among the unemployed and underemployed if we turn to demanding a WPA like jobs program. Demonstrations at Federal Buildings and unemployment offices make great targets. General Assemblies of the unemployed and underemployed can be set up to organize this fight for living wage jobs. We believe the massive and often racist unemployment rate is unacceptable but so far we have done little to organize a fight for living wage jobs. And yet that is exactly our responsibility. We need to take this struggle to the streets. The Occupation movement needs to be seen doing something constructive. Furthermore, it is important for us to start seeing ourselves as organizers of solutions not just protesters. Organizing for a federal jobs program will be seen by millions of Americans as actually doing something beyond protesting. Vic C, student at Laney CC in Oakland CA



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