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Forum Post: ***From ACTIVIST POST --Zibgniew Brzezinski -Tyranny Exposed

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 9:35 p.m. EST by Renaye (522)
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Game Over: Tyranny Revealed

Source Nicholas West Activist Post

It is so predictable that it has become a tropism. The creeping, stealthy soft tyranny gets called out into the open, first by those dedicated to digging in the archives of history, then by the general public who awakens to their undeniable daily condition. It is the life force tilting toward the sunshine.

We know that the world is run by an unworthy gang of misanthropic inbred elites and their lackey minions. And, yet, through their spoils (and the spoiled), they have amassed great treasure that has no real value.

Their moral compass is broken; their political capital is zero; their fiat currency is worthless; and their method of rule has become comical. These thespian thieves have now been pushed toward the gates of the temple to be whipped into the desert of their own creation.

The dogs of war are set to be loosed upon the throat of anyone who gives voice to peaceful opposition and creative resistance; for this is the Wolfsbane they have continuously stomped upon. The assassinated messengers of peace comprise a long and distinguished list of familiar names, but is also a list filled with myriad third-world democratically-elected leaders who had the hubris to suggest that their nations and people should remain independent from fascist jackals with nothing more to offer than loaded words and loaded guns.

But those were the days of dark room diplomacy, where tyranny could operate under the cover of night, releasing zombies to do their bidding.




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[-] 1 points by NewEngIandPatriot (230) 13 years ago

This guy is a dirt bag and is Obama's master

[-] 1 points by sovaye (259) 13 years ago

I know...I just want everyone else to know it too. I love your work NewEnglandPatriot! Keep up the Whitehat fight!