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Forum Post: frippisyou

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:28 a.m. EST by errone (0)
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let the power fall

Let The Power Fall 
01. One can work within any structure 
02. Once one can work within any structure, some structures are more efficient than others. 
03. There is no one structure that is universally appropriate.

  1. Commitment to an aim within an inappropriate structure will give rise to the creation of an appropriate structure.

  2. Apathy, i.e. passive commitment, within an appropriate structure will effect its collapse.

  3. Dogmatic attachment to the supposed merits of a particular structure hinders the search for an appropriate structure. 
07. There will be difficulty defining the appropriate structure because it will be always mobile, i.e. in process. 
08. There should be no difficulty in defining aim. 
09. The appropriate structure will recognise structures outside itself.

  4. The appropriate structure can work within any large structure

  5. Once the appropriate structure can work within any large structure, some larger structures are more efficient than others.

  6. There is no larger structure that is universally appropriate.

  7. Commitment to an aim by an appropriate structure within a larger, inappropriate structure will give rise to a large, appropriate structure.

  8. The quantitative structure is affected by qualitative action.
  9. Qualitative action is not bound by number.

  10. Any small unit committed to qualitative action can affect radical change on a scale outside its quantitative measure.

  11. Quantitative action works by violence and breeds reaction.

  12. Qualitative action works by example and invites reciprocation.

  13. Reciprocation between independent structures is a framework of interacting units, which is itself a structure.

  14. Any appropriate structure of interacting units can work within any other structure of interacting units.

  15. Once this is so, some structures of interacting units are more efficient than others.

Some aphorisms
 Courtesy is an inward grace, which extends outwards to others. 
Our understanding changes what is that we understand.
 The future is what the present can bear. 
We recognize in others what we know most deeply in ourselves. 
Anything within a performance is significant, whether intentional or not. 
Don’t be helpful: be available. 
Right action moves from principle. 
Life is too short to take on the unnecessary.
 Three ways to discover our faults: ask a friend; ask an enemy; recognize a fault in others. 
Necessity is never far from what is real.
 Good habit is necessary; bad habit is inevitable.
 If in doubt, consult tradition. If still in doubt, consult your experience. If still in doubt, consult your body.
 Let us embrace our mistakes as friends and teachers. 
We have the right to choose our form of suffering. 
Act with courtesy. Otherwise, be polite.
 Act in accordance with time, place and person. 
A principle is universal. A rule is specific. A law is invariable. 
A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable, and never acceptable.
 We may do whatever we like, providing we can pay the bill.
 There are few things as convincing as death to remind us of the quality with which we live our life.
 The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgment. Our judgment determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. Therefore, the quality of our perceptions changes the world we perceive. 
If I name myself, I recognize who I am. By recognizing who I am, I am becoming myself.



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