Forum Post: Freeedom Ride 2012 - Outreach to '64 Civil Rights Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 8:23 p.m. EST by mocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Summary of Freedom Ride 2012 (FR12) - to PHILLY 2012 National Convention
(1)FR12 Bus route across middle 'America' to National Convention (2)Passes (seat) on FR12 are handed out by GAs in each State (3)On line sponsor auction of seats at determined price per seat to subsidize cost (4)(HI) Kick-off rally event in Birth Place of Obama (5)(UT) Rally in state of Mitt Romney (6)(KS) Issue Rally to protest recent assaults on 'Choice' and 'Sexuality' (7)(OH) Get-out the vote rally in key battle ground State (8)(PA) Rally for Occupy Movement and National Convention
Freedom fighters from 1964 Civil Rights Movement (CRM) ride along and attend National Convention to hand off the touch of freedom to the current Occupy Movement (OM).
Leaders of the 1964 CRM Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, Joseph Lowery, MLK III, etc attend and address each rally.
Families across 'America' in each State and Adopt a Bus by agreeing to allow passengers safe harbor and passage through their communities and States (Food, Shelter and Solidarity- FSS).