Forum Post: Freedom of Energy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 2:02 p.m. EST by HarryCrew07
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Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 2:02 p.m. EST by HarryCrew07
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
capitalism meets would conspiracy... shouldn't it be free? or at least not be paid for using those evil dollars printed by the evil banks?
Energy shouldn't be free as long as it hurts the environment in order to be used...but that is a personal opinion. I believe the Thrive Movement thinks they have found an alternative energy source: Fussion.
gee.. from their website, i thought it was all banking conspiracy.. i didn't see anything about energy there. you know how you can tell that an alternative energy source won't work? when they make videos that they sell for $20 (hopefully with built it at home plans) rather than selling it to mega-corporations for millions. LOL
You didn't see the part about the unlimited source of energy which would put the oil companies out of business, or hear the woman who said "if you want an alternative source of energy, you can't go to the oil companies, you have to invent it yourself." But you're right, it really is about banking conspiracy, where money comes from and where money travels. But it also includes an introduction to quantum energy theory: (not a coined term). Why, if you wanted to change the world, would you sell a video to mega-corporations, they probably wont even watch it, or want it to exist? Because its ideas could collapse their intricately built system of monopolies...
don't sell the video, silly... selling a working concept would be worth millions and you could file a public patent so everyone would know about it anyway. The problem with oil companies keeping all these energy ideas secret is that they employee too many people who would know too much and would be more than willing to sell their knowledge. Every corporation I have worked for couldn't keep a secret with far less important things.
I agree actually, a working concept would be great. I guess I'll just have to wait and see though :)