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Forum Post: FREE !!! POWDERBURNS by Retired DEA agent CelerinoCastillo III free copy online

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2012, 2:16 a.m. EST by andymorro (16)
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hi, Free book for everyone here! Billions wasted on the drug war and imprisonment and all the while the FEDS brought the drugs in !!!! Feel free to contact the author with any questions.

Hi, if you haven't read it already, enjoy! And pass this along to friends. The author lectures regularly on Blowback, foreign policy, law enforcement and intelligence matters. He is also an expert witness for the defense on court cases.

The truth about the remaining dark secret of the Iran-Contra scandal- the United States government's collaboration with drug smugglers. Powderburns is the story of Celerino Castillo III who spent 12 years in the Drug Enforcement Administration. During that time, he built cases against organized drug rings in Manhattan, raided jungle cocaine labs in the Amazon, conducted aerial eradication operations in Guatemala, and assembled and trained anti-narcotics units in several countries. The eerie climax of Agent Castillo's career with the DEA took place in El Salvador. One day, he received a cable from a fellow agent. He was told to investigate possible drug smuggling by Nicaraguan Contras operating from the ilopango air force base. Castillo quickly discovered that Contra pilots were, indeed, smuggling narcotics back into the United States - using the same pilots, planes, and hangars that the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council, under the Direction of Lt. Col. Oliver North, used to maintain their covert supply operation to the Contras. contact the author at www.powderburns.org Powderburns 2709 N. 28 1/2 street, McAllen Texas, 78501 Powderburns013@yahoo.com 956-345-5770




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by andymorro (16) 12 years ago

i found another cool book online-


Complete text is here: http://www.naderlibrary.com/lit.crimesofpatriots.toc.htm

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

Under the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan's production of opium was cut from 70% to just 10% of world supply. We invaded just months later. Afghanistan, under the occupation of U.S. and coalition forces now produces 90% of the world opium supply.


[-] 1 points by andymorro (16) 12 years ago

same story in Colombia with the FARC--just a small percentage goes to FARC as a transportation tax. The rest of the drug money goes to US allies...now that's what I call a waste...

The U.S. War for Drugs and of Terror in Colombia by Dan Kovalik


The book quotes the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) which concludes that, today, "the biggest heroin and cocaine trading institutions in the world are the militaries of Burma, Pakistan, Mexico, Peru and Colombia - 'all armed and trained by U.S. military intelligence in the name of anti-drug efforts.'" In the case of Colombia, while the U.S., to justify its massive counterinsurgency program, vilifies the FARC guerillas as "narco-terrorists," this title is more befitting of the Colombian state and its paramilitary allies.

Indeed, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, who had been both the darling of the Bush and Obama Administrations, had himself been ranked by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency as number "82 on a list of 104 'more important narco-traffickers contracted by the Colombian narcotics cartels . . . ."

As the book explains, the U.S.'s own Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has concluded that the "FARC involvement in the drug trade mainly involves the taxation of coca, which does not involve cocaine manufacturing, trafficking, and transshipment." As the UNDCP explains, some FARC fronts are not involved in even the taxation of coca, and still others "'actually tell the farmers not to grow coca.'" In terms of the actual trafficking in drugs, it is the friends of the U.S. who are largely responsible for this. Thus, as the book notes, quoting the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, while there is "no evidence of FARC involvement in drug trafficking," there is indeed "extensive drug smuggling to the United States by 'right-wing paramilitary groups in collaboration with wealthy drug barons, the [U.S.-funded] armed forces, key financial figures and senior bureaucrats." And yet, the U.S. war in Colombia is focused upon destroying the FARC, and, to the extent it is aimed at the manual eradication of coca crops, this eradication takes place almost solely in areas under FARC control, leaving the big-time drug traffickers alone. http://monthlyreview.org/press/books/pb2518/


[-] 1 points by andymorro (16) 12 years ago

check out these stats The UN 2012 report on drugs says that only 10% of the heroin money goes to the taliban and that is mostly as a transportation tax--to let trucks pass safely. the rest of the money goes to Karzai's people!!!

Afghan drug war debacle: Blair said smashing opium trade was a major reason to invade but 10 years on heroin production is up from 185 tons a year to 5,800

By David Williams UPDATED: 05:19 EST, 17 February 2012 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2102158/Heroin-production-Afghanistan-RISEN-61.html#ixzz2F5huFrlg

The Real Lords of Afghan Poppy Fields & Heroin Distribution Hubs

Tuesday, 22. May 2012 Facts, Myths, Smugglers, and the International Dudes


Afghan Heroin Myths and Facts Recapped & Simplified for Mainstream Followers

Wednesday, 23. May 2012 by Sibel edmonds


[-] 1 points by amandayee (35) 12 years ago

CBS News Transcripts 60 MINUTES November 21, 1993 http://www.gangstersout.com/cia_cocaine.htm



MORLEY SAFER: A ton of cocaine--pure cocaine, worth hundreds of millions—is smuggled into the United States. Sound familiar? Not the way this ton of cocaine got here, according to what the former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration told Mike Wallace. This drug shipment got here courtesy of what he calls drug trafficking by the CIA, in partnership with the Venezuelan national guard. While rumors of CIA involvement in drug trafficking have circulated for years, no one in the US government has ever before publicly charged the CIA with this kind of wrongdoing. It is not the kind of accusation anyone in government would make without thinking long and hard.

MIKE WALLACE: Let me understand what you're saying. A ton of cocaine was smuggled into the United States of America by the Venezuelan national guard...

Judge ROBERT BONNER (Former Head, Drug Enforcement Administration): Well, they...

WALLACE: ...in cooperation with the CIA?

Judge BONNER: That's what--that's exactly what appears to have happened. (Footage of Wallace and Bonner walking)

WALLACE: (Voiceover) Until last month, Judge Robert Bonner was the head ofthe Drug Enforcement Administration, the DEA. And Judge Bonner explained to us that only the head of the DEA is authorized to approve the transportation of any illegal narcotics, like cocaine, into this country, even if the CIA is bringing it in.

Judge BONNER: Let me put it this way, Mike. If this has not been approved by DEA or an appropriate law-enforcement authority in the United States, then it's illegal. It's called drug trafficking. It's called drug smuggling.

WALLACE: So what you're saying, in effect, is the CIA broke the law; simple as that.

Judge BONNER: I don't think there's any other way you can rationalize around it, assuming, as I think we can, that there was some knowledge on the part of CIA. At least some participation in approving or condoning this to be done. (Footage of Wallace and Bonner; the CIA seal)

WALLACE: (Voiceover) Judge Bonner says he came to that conclusion after a two-year secret investigation conducted by the DEA's Office of Professional Responsibility, in cooperation with the CIA's own inspector general. And what reason did the CIA have for promoting this drug smuggling?

heres Gary Webbs book Dark Alliance in pdf


[-] 1 points by andymorro (16) 12 years ago

In 1998, Fredrick Hitz, CIA Inspector General (IG) and Michael Bromwich DOJ Inspector General released reports admitting to the existence of an agreement which exempted the Intelligence agencies of the USA from reporting drug crimes. The legislative body chosen to hear the allegations was the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) chaired by Porter Goss, a former CIA officer (1960-71) who would later serve as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) (2004 to 2006) under George W. Bush. The committee hearings were held behind closed doors from 1998 to 2000 and a final classified report was released in June, 2000. The report has never been released to the public.

https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/01.gif https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/13.gif https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/14.gif https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/findings.html#top


[-] 1 points by andymorro (16) 12 years ago

He was working as an informant. Cartel hitmen killed him near the halfway house he was living in. The true reasons why are not clear, His attorney claims that he had personal access to high level politicians
