Forum Post: Free Poem for the people
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by NLake72
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
note: I know this is poor quality writing... I'm only a poet in my heart.
Civic Duty
The government is pissed off because I'm non-compliant.
The libertarians are pissed off because I say we need big government.
The anarchists are pissed off because I say we need to try to save the government.
The fascists are pissed off because I say we need a government that serves the people first.
The rest of the country is pissed off because I want THEM to reform the government.
Almost everyone is pissed off because I want them to abandon their partisanship and compromise.
Practically everyone just wants me to shut up.
Thus, I must keep talking politely.
"In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable and help to change it. Ernst Fischer."
opening scene from Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Which, I'm logging off to watch right now! Goodnight everyone, keep the faith.
there'll be a surprise quiz tomorrow! Have a good one bro.
Hahaha. I know how you feel. The sad fact is, there is no political outlet anywhere for anyone who doesn't want to do crazy radical shit and/or support corruption. If you're not a radical of some sort (libertarian, anarchist, etc) or you don't support the corruption that's happened in the mainstream parties, you're out. You're not hip and sexy like the radicals or powerful like the corrupt, so it doesn't matter how many of us there are, we have no voice.
:) As long as we encourage people to think, we must use what tools we have. We all want the same thing, I think, but we'll all wind up sitting together in the middle ground sharpening our knives and getting freaked on fermented rhubarb. Keep beating the drum :)
Fermented rhubarb, lol. I've often thought about starting up the Sheeple's Party, since all the good names have been taken by radicals/corrupt and that's one of their favourite epithets for people who don't buy into their ideologies. Might as well own it as a sort of "screw you".
Platform, block all new legislation (except things like the budget!) and repeal, in sequence, every law passed starting with the most recent (including previous repeals!), until such time as sanity has been restored.