Forum Post: Free online permaculture course.
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 5, 2014, 12:45 a.m. EST by Builder
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Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 5, 2014, 12:45 a.m. EST by Builder
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
DKAtoday @DKAtoday …
FREE - A course on proper ( HEALTHY ) Living.
Check it out & pass it on.
We can make the difference in this world.
AWESOME - BTW - do you know her? She could teach me anything - I think {:-])
LOL. Just passing info.
We do need to take food out of the hands of poison pushers, and pharmaceutical barons.
Abso-tively Poso-lutely. The world must be made aware of the best practices for life.
In a few short months, a crew from PA that I rap with have made huge changes to their ingrained eating habits.
I've switched from getting angry about everything, to just spreading the word.
As Mother Theresa said, "I won't go to your protest rally, but if there's a peace rally, I'll be there.".
It is hard not to get angry at all of the shit going on in this world - but - it also does no good to just vent - so - to use that anger in a positive fashion to advocate/educate is a good way to go - be angry but positive - not positively angry (?) or perhaps positively angry and not negatively angry. Hey?
Naaah, I've been stressing myself to death.
That's gonna work out well for me, right?
I'm gonna be like that teacher; the one that shows people where to look, but doesn't show them what to find.
We're all on a road to somewhere.
If I see you there, it was meant to be.
Anger can be very debilitating - I know for a fact as I do not have the physical tolerance for it that I once had prior to getting ill - but - anger can be a positive force/inspiration if channeled right. It ends up that anger is not really debilitating - it is what one does or does not do with it that makes the difference.
If I see you there ( at the epiphany of this life/road ) - then - we were both very fortunate.
You are not alone in that - stress is a killer - and most of us ( the population of the world ) live in constant stress - stress that is placed upon us all by those who are in power. Fortunately stress need not be accepted - rather it "can" be shifted - shifted to action - action in forwarding positive change - this positive change is not limited as there is a world of improvements/changes to be made - changes that need to be made - this need for change can be a positive affirmation for living - to advocate/inspire the awakening to the possibilities for a better world for all - as well as the fact that that better world need not remain a dream - but is actually possible.
Again Naaaah. Stress sux.
I'm zenning all of the crap out of my existence.
You might have heard of Eckhart Tolle?
I'm jumping on that bandwagon.
More positive affirmations come from acceptance than come from stress.
Take a look for yourself.
Eckhart Tolle?
Nope never heard of him (?) Her (?) it (?)
Meditation? If so - then - yes - I have found it to be very helpful in routing negative input towards positive output.
It is true that to accept reality is healthy - to deny reality is insane.
As to - - yes we are the present moment - the present moment does not depend on the past - does not depend on what has gone before - that is - If - one can grasp the present as new and leave the past - in the past - experience - knowledge - but not an inevitable CONSTANT. This I take to be the awareness of the moment which is currently happening - it is not bound to the past as a necessity of the present moments happening/outcome nor any future happening/outcome. We only repeat the past if we tie ourselves to it. Yeah?
Eckhart Tolle is a German-born resident of Canada, best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth.
In 2011, he was listed by the Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world.
Sweet gawwdamn. It worked!
Australia won five matches to nil against the ol' Dart in the cricket.
And Leyton Hewitt finally beat Roger Federrer in the tennis.
Bloody brilliant end to a lovely day.
Showing people what to find can reduce their freedoms and restrict their imaginations. We live in an age when one generation can seem to be an alien species to the next one. I surely felt the same way about my parents although I do revere them as (alien) "gods." I would not be surprised that my descendants view me as alien, too.
The problem with Socialism and Communism is that they often stifle imaginations and breed helplessness that eventually leads to stagnation. It is far better for the people to provide their own guidance systems while the older folk provide the heavy lifting rocket engines. I do applaud your sharing what you found with others.
Thanks Grapes.
I've often wondered if the alienation felt between the generations has a survivalist undertone. Some children will listen to the voice of reason, and take on board what you have to offer, but most simply must make their own mistakes, and learn in their own fashion.
Might be that old "hundredth monkey syndrome", where the young are picking up on their elder's lack of trust in the "establishment", despite what their elders are telling them.
My understanding of psychology is limited to the two rather basic arenas created and nurtured by Jung and Freud. Most psychologists would agree that theories are all they have to work with.
I often find gems of insight where I'd least expect to find them. Such as I'm finding with this Eckhart chap. Such a deadpan delivery, as well. No song and dance about him at all.
Often to the young people, what the elders say the umpteenth times is just so much warm breeze, good-for-nothing droning on --- until they find out the hard way for themselves and create poignant memories of their own.
On the one hand, the process seems so pitiful and wasteful. On the other hand, due to the breakneck changes under way (on the nearly vertical portion of many curves), the elders just cannot even speak the correct vocabulary so the nearly one-way "discussions" mostly bogged down on definitions or nuances and connotations of vocabulary - that is, the rockets mostly leaked, huffed and puffed, or flew wildly and blew up near the launchpad. The wasteful and painful process offers the relevance of experience (the vocabulary becomes a non-issue when one feels that hot shaft) and the permanence of (searing) memory. It minimizes the dead-weight losses (where freedom pays off). Once everyone has gone through their baptisms by fire (or the Holy Spirit), coherence of vision can form and then many will push in the same direction to our common destination that was meant to be (in the Covenant).