Forum Post: Free Market Capitalism and Justice for "the little people."
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 2:12 p.m. EST by riverwoman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So, when elected officials 1) ignore the voice of the people, and 2) castigate those who exercise their American right to express themselves as less-than legitimate citizens than those who agree and support them, and 3) through law and economics deliberately favor one group (1%) at the expense of the majority (99%), I'd say that the tenants of democracy fail. When our government not only does not hold those who break the law (one example: banks and sub-prime loan criminality) accountable, but through policy and practice allow and protect such practices, citizens lose trust in their government's ability to justly protect its citizenry's rights against individuals or entities whose practices cause harm.
It's not a "free-market" capitalistic economic system when government, in policy and practice, favors the interests of the 1%. It's like a football game. One team gets all the protective gear while the second team gets to play in their underwear, and, the refs get paid to ensure their win? Who do you think is going to get hurt and who do you think is going to win when the rules of the game apply to one and not to the other?
Here's what we do... Go to this Link, (circulating in the OWS Camps)....
Sign it.. Then.. Like a foot Ball, Take it to Everyone you know.. And When We Get 100K Signatures... 'Touch-Freakin-Down'!
(TY, Marlow)
Get republicans to vote yes on jobs bill-by any means necessary-POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Hi Jobs,
I say we vote the pubs out of office. Their party leaders consistently vote against the interests of the poor and working class for the interests of the 1%. Despite the voice of the people who currently, at the 68th percentile demand economic reform in politics and are ignored and diminished as second class citizens, they aren't working for the majority. VOICE-VOTE-VOLITION (ACT). Politicians, regardless of their "party" have a basic ethical responsibility to govern justly. If they do not, let's vote them out of office, and when the next generation of leaders enter governance, let's hold them accountable. Despite our Supreme Court's collusion with corporate robber barons to buy elections through "no limit political funding" coupled with no requirements to disclose corporate sponsors, we demand to know. If politicians do not practice transparency they have something to hide.
WE are the government and our freedoms and just society depends our responsibility to engage and ensure our government upholds the law.
these are some great points. if only the best posts got shown then this would be one of em.
Thanks Daniel. Let's go play football. :)