Forum Post: Free Elections Now Act
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 4:23 p.m. EST by mtmama
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In order to elect ethical people who represent “we the people” who are not in the 1%, we need to have fair elections. Please support the Fair Elections Now Act. Call, e-mail and text your Congressmen and ask where they stand on this issue.
Senator Durbin reintroduced SB 750 in April 2011, (it didn’t come up for a vote in 2010) and there is a corresponding House Resolution 1404, The Fair Elections Now Act. Check out the bill on or
Opponents of this bill support the majority’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC.
We do need fair elections
According to the programmer who create the rigged source code that was used to steal the Ohio 2004 election, in a crowded Courtroom, he spells it out clearly:
That is why we built a system according to that evidence given in Court
It was launched last week. Use this voting system and you will get the Fair Elections Now Act passed...if America likes it!
Direct Democracy - the elected work for the people....or get recalled quickly!
We can all offer a solution to a issue we propose..and anyone can run for cost..eliminates the barriers...the money...
Want to changes the system...change the voting system to open source transparent code and back it up with a time stamped ballot receipt.
Vote for Judge Nelson of Nashville, for Supreme Court Judge is UP on Local
Those politians are not going to help make elections fair ... There are no fair free elections any more ... We live in a police state run by a shadow government of corporations. Politics is theater .. Welcome to the police state of America
Limited campaign spending, whether publicly funded or capped, could only be a good thing for participatory democracy
needs more information
what does the fair elections call call ?