Forum Post: Free Alaa
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:34 p.m. EST by Lockean
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Tahrir crowd voiced their solidarity with us, let's return the favor to one of the brightest young voices for democracy of this generation, Alaa Abd El Fattah. If you followed #Jan25 at all, you know him.
Here's the blurb from AccessNow:
Free Alaa
Off the plane from Silicon Valley and straight into Egyptian military prison. This is the fate of Alaa Abd El Fattah, one of the keynote speakers at RightsCon. Alaa, a high-profile activist, blogger and software developer, is now languishing in prison for refusing to answer questions from an illegitimate military tribunal on questionable charges of “incitement.” His crime? Demanding that civilians be tried by judges, not soldiers.
Alaa's case represents a far greater injustice - at least 12,000 Egyptian citizens have stood before a tribunal since the overthrow of Mubarak. This is a gross violation of international law and a far cry from the democracy Egyptians called for earlier this year.
Just last week, President Obama called for an end to the Egyptian state of emergency and to cease trying civilians in military tribunals. As Egypt's largest aid donor, the US has the power to demand that Egypt’s military rulers change course, release Alaa, and the other citizens detained or sentenced though such extraordinary courts.
Dear President Obama and the US Congress, We urge you to call on Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to immediately and unconditionally end emergency law and stop the military trial and deterntion of civilians, including Alaa Abd El Fattah.
We think we have problems.
thanks for your solidarity #Egypt, #FreeAlaa, #Jan25, Alaa Abd El-Fatah, human rights, ثورة مصر, علاء سيف عبد الفتاح ,#FreeAlaa #Solidarity with Alaa Abd El-Fatah FreeAlaa - الحرية لـ علاء عبد الفتاح - Alaa Abd El Fattah FreeAlaa - الحرية لـ علاء عبد الفتاح - Alaa Abd El Fattah #Jan25 #25Jan #byemubarak #FreeEgypt #mubarak #CAIRO #Egypt, #FreeAlaa, #Jan25, Alaa Abd El-Fatah, human rights, ثورة مصر, علاء سيف عبد الفتاح #FreeAlaa - علاء سيف عبد الفتاح yesterday,Thousands marshing for #FreeAlaa #solidarity
Thank you for providing #Solidarity for the Campaign to #FreeAlaa
OWSers don't care about foreigners.
They are an Americans-first movement.
They might have drawn influence from Egypt, but if an Egyptian comes into the US to take a job, they would be pissed.
Nativism? This isn't the Tea Party. You know immigrants are not, actually, taking our jobs, right? Scapegoating.
Damn facts.
Indeed. I encourage everyone to read it.