Forum Post: Frank Miller: Occupy Wall Street protesters are 'thieves' & 'babies' and need to 'wake up'
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 6:24 p.m. EST by RexDiamond
from Idabel, OK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I've never cared what Frank Miller thinks about anything. Neither has anyone else. Why should we start now?
Frank Miller is an idiot! If the newest Batman movie is an attack on Occupy Wall Street in any way, then the movement needs to occupy Warners Brothers.
What a douche! I didn't think someone could be any more clueless than Bloomberg. Apparently I was wrong. Boycott Frank 'the wank' Miller!
Better boycott the water cannons while you are at it.
Apparently you agree with him, eh Rex? Another dickhead on the wrong forum.
Did he just say 'Lords of Warcraft?' It is World of Warcraft!!! And for your information, Mother and Pappy agree that the basement is too cold during the winter for me to reside. That is why my pampered ass is to stay in kitten room with my seven kittens, c3peeoh, figaro, starbuck, tiberius, darth vader, boomer, and spock.
Spoken like a true WoW fan. I could tell by the names you gave your kitties. Yeah, Frank Miller, a fantasy icon, doesn't even know the name of one of the most popular games in history. What a complete and total dumb shit!
I haven't been able to play for years due to financial instability, and the fact that I have more important things to do. But nevertheless; I remain a fan, and will resume my adventures in the more peaceful times to come.
Leeeeroy Jennkkinnsss!