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Forum Post: Frank Congemi

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 12:18 a.m. EST by paulg5 (673)
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I thought OWS was about fixing the problem not learning the game? Did OWS come across alot of cash and the hounds are moving in? I'm not getting this guy!



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[-] 1 points by davboz (79) 13 years ago

Frank Congemi was trying to tell you that you live in America. So far the general public (who doesn't yet realize what you're REALLY up to) is sympathetic. The media has, and you - OWS - have portrayed you in a mostly favorable light and that all you want is to correct some of the ills within our system. Your comment puts forth the false premise of 2 alternatives: a)"fixing the problem" and b) "learning the game". FYI you're going to need to learn the game before you can FREAKING IDENTIFY WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT! This is what gives you away. You weren't taught, and/or have no interest in learning, about rebuilding the economy, growing your own wealth, how to build for your own future. You've been taught poorly, given bad examples, and now want an all-giving government and somehow you believe that if the high-earners just keep giving back more, they'll be able to support YOU. It won't work. Motivation will be non-existent so no new successful people, only more like you and we are Greece. We are halfway to socialism which is what brought this economy down. (CRA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Gregory Meeks, Maxine Waters, Macy Clay, Artur Davis, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, and so many more)

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

Learning a system that is grossly flawed at best is superfluous. In other words your not going to learn change from it, just corruption. I think OWS has already defined what corrupted is in the system.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

I wanted to ask him about SDR's, and that I heard the deal was already done by helicopter Ben to take care of the problem in Greece, they allegedly bought a bunch of long term bonds and will just make us taxpayers bail out Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, but the mods don't let anyone ask anything, they just keep closing the chat every 2 seconds.

[-] 1 points by ILoveDick (8) 13 years ago

Ur not getting him...I am....and the hand job included