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Forum Post: Fractal Peace Protest Science

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 4 a.m. EST by MISTERGOD (10)
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THE SPINE: Inner Spine is a Columbia University and Mt Sinai Medical Spine made up of Medical Students and Interns. The main job is to use the cellphone for medical needs and be abel to reach those that need help as they are being passed down for treatment. Dress in as White a manner with OS..... WALL CROSS and link to ambulance type thing... a TYVEC suit is great....it costs 6 bucks.

Garbage bag defence system: The Garbage bag defense system is a GREAT defense method. A good garbage bag is water proof and provides an air pocket and can take an impact if folded properly. So the HEFTY garbage baf defense system is the distributed and taped to your body. Take an entire pack. This team will be on the lookout for group garbage and haul it to a moving utility group. For example a plastic water bottle plus tape plus garbage bag can take a huge amount of baton wacking and you are still safe. You can even PEE in a bottle!!!
Then the infobot that is a huge database of who is working in the buildings ....and why. Suppose you move to the Battery....and the density of millionares is now increasing...why are they not helping you. Do they have offices in China? Do they have connections to the embedded phony newscasters ...are they hiding FEMA personnel in the buildings and these guys should be in suits and be lawyers for the courts .....so perhaps 20 guys should have one such suited lawyer with efiling abiolity!!!!!!



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[-] 1 points by MISTERGOD (10) 13 years ago

Fractal Voice Amplification and Julian Assange: Julain Assange and Occupy is one and samething. Murdoch and news is the samething. So if one fights Murdochs embedded liars and news distorting themes then Assange is the opposite. A Pillar of OC will then be the FREE ASSANGE program. Yeah Yeah he exposed a lot ...but the lady from the Rose Law Firm was an expert in double billing!!!!! So 100 nodes of the servers feeding the computer IPs from where America lost its techonolgy while thes liars were there creating the huge job loss while holding the job.....beside bloombutt the more he deplys the more he goes broke!!!!!! Make him deploy and take his forces to court ...flood the court with cases!!!!

[-] 1 points by MISTERGOD (10) 13 years ago

Fractal Deception is an emerging science of people's deception. In this method ONE carries banners of STATED government speech...for example SUPPORT ARAB SPRING ...but the main purpose is STILL occupy wall street. Here the NINE ex CIA guys ... and eight NSA idiots sort with Foriegn Relations and a few Foundations are the main second hidden government...covering what FINCIN does and does not do...

So the people deception might even Support the Dalai Lama and become even more moral and greater in depth.....but it really wants to OS. Fight deception with deception.....the guys in the wall are massive deciever and master American University trained decievers with a trump card Plausible Deniability

Now Carl Sagan Baloney Detection Kit.....Have a team looking at what FINCIN should have been looking at !!!!!

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Occupy Memphis member Mallory Pope had just finished telling a group of about 75 Tea Party followers Thursday night that politicians should not allow themselves to be influenced by lobbyists and unions when she received an unexpected invitation.

"It sounds to me that y'all ought to be joining us," said Jerry Rains, a 64-year-old computer programmer and Tea Party member. "You have a lot of the same goals we have, which is to take our country back."

Pope and fellow Occupy Memphis protester Tristan Tran had a lively, sometimes strained and confrontational, but mostly civil discussion with members of the Mid-South Tea Party at a municipal meeting hall outside Memphi