Forum Post: Fracking and Psychological Operations: Empire Comes Home
Posted 12 years ago on March 9, 2012, 10:13 a.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Javers revealed that Matt Pitzarella, head of the public relations team at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based natural gas corporation, Range Resources, openly admitted that his corporation utilizes psychological warfare (psyops) military veterans as community relations professionals, hired to apply the skills gained on the periphery for work to be done here at home.
"We have several former PSYOPs folks that work for us at Range because they're very comfortable dealing with localized issues and local governments," said Pitzarella at the conference.
He continued, "Really all they do is spend most of their time helping folks develop local ordinances and things like that. But very much having that understanding of PSYOPs in the Army and in the Middle East has applied very helpfully here for us in Pennsylvania."
A must read.
Good post. Gives us an understanding about what is really going on.
Thanks, Nevada1.
I've been trying to explain for a while now, it's all about "multi-pronged marketing/PR".
Whatever it takes to sell the lie.
I think they need a new name. PR sounds entirely too respectable.
Propaganda by any other name, is still propaganda.
How about VRI?
Value Removed Information........:)
Still too clean....but good. :D
How about NVI?
Negative Value Information.
Just calling it bull shit, will never get by the censors.........:)
That's a good one, too.
What ? PR ?
"Public Raping" (?) I thought that was an entirely appropriate name for them to use.
Thank you, I love it when I can give laughter - especially in trying times.
Check this out it is at least worth a smile:
Spurred on by more than 120,000 members of the Daily Kos community like you, this week over 50 companies and organizations pulled their advertisements from Rush Limbaugh's radio program.
Yesterday, the results of your action could be heard in the form of beautiful, long silences during the commercial breaks in the online streaming of Limbaugh's show on WABC, the flagship station for his broadcasts. Here are the amazing stats:
A total of 86 ads aired during WABC's online streaming broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday; 77 of those ads were public service announcements donated free of charge by the Ad Council; Of the nine paid spots that ran, seven were from companies that have said they have taken steps to ensure their ads no longer air during the program; WABC's online feed included about 5:33 of dead air when ads would normally have run.
Click here to listen to the silence during the commercial breaks on Rush Limbaugh's program, and be sure to share it with friends over Facebook, Twitter, or something else. This is your accomplishment, so please be sure to savor it.
Thank you, Joan McCarter, Daily Kos
That's great!! It really is.
It really is a day brightener! poor lonely hate monger. HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the size of it all right!! Even his apology was inadequate.
That was supposed to be an apology? To whom - His sponsors? They also felt it was inadequate I'm guessing.
Huh - go figure.
Sponsers. It had to be and they were not pleased. :D
Some sponsors can have a touch of humanity in them - even if it is only a survival instinct - I mean they were sponsors after all.
At least the psyop boys couldn't get to the Ohio regulators, for once.
Let's hope that there is some actual regulation that happens.
It is warfare. The corrupt have been using this against the population for a very long time.
See - the thing is - we are catching on - and when that happens psyops become visible - and the people see the actions behind the words behind the misinformation.
AND - We Move Forward - TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!