Forum Post: Fracking: A New Documentary Pt I, and Pt 2
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 21, 2013, 10:03 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Rivers bubbling with methane?
Here's the second installment.
Court win in fracking case
We'll have to see what happens when they start fracking in the richest county in the State of Michigan.
Lots of expensive lake front property around there.
Seems like the rich would prevent that, although I am constantly surprised at how Michigan seems to be given up on.
it is criminal.
It's quite the conundrum for them.
They like the profits, but we'll see what happens when one of their private lakes is fouled.
That'll learn 'em.
Is that where Michael Moore's million dollar house is? I can't remember the name of the town, just know it's on a lake and it's around 98% white.
Isn't it great to see a member of the 1% (Michael Moore) standing up and fighting for the 99%?
Gives ya hope other 1%'rs can be swayed.
Michael Moore isn't the 1%, but plenty of them will support OWS, a long as there's a buck to be made. Did you buy any of Jay Z's Occupy t-shirts?
I think he pulled them when we objected. Micheal is the wealthy class and does support the 99%.
Many do. We should congratulate them and encourage others. Personally I support the Jay Z T's.
We should've just pressured him to give OWS the profits.
I've heard he has some problems, but how much money to donate to OWS ain't one. Also on the ain't list: retirement, housing, healthcare, and buying your wife shoes made from rare exotic animals.
I'm not sure I understand your personal attack against Jay Z. Are you saying he is wrong forretiring, having nicehouses, healthcare, and buying his wife shoes?
how is any of this related to the fracking topic?
I was just agreeing with you about how great it is that OWS gets support from the 1%. Go team!
Frack you, little boy.
Occupy fracking upd
3 ways Fracking's killing us
Court victory vs frackin Frackers!
Small victory against fracking Frackers
There are apparently many, many things you can't recall, like what happened to your sense of humanity, though I doubt it's limited to only that.
Hey I'm with you. Once the greedy fat white guys (eg Michael Moore) start feeling the pain, then we'll get some movement against fracking.
From Michael Moores website.
Stop being an ignorant Asshole! It's your corrupt repubs who are obstructing green tech implementation. When that ends fracking will be unnecessary.
and lets all pray it ends before Michael's lakefront house loses any value.
Why? Is that something YOU care about? No. We certainly don't. So your just spewing more ridiculous meaningless nonsense, as per usual.
Frack you, little boy.
The grown ups have to talk, go play. LOL
In addition to your failure to recall things?
Let's not forget that you bring no reality to the table.
Can you recall your thoughts on fracking?
"Shale Gas Bubble Looms, Aided by Wall Street", by Steven Horn :
From which : "Roughly 17 months ago, activists from around the country set up encampments outside of Wall Street, coining themselves Occupy Wall Street. As Rogers' report demonstrates, they had the right target in mind. Rogers opens the report on a defiant note. "The recent natural gas market glut was largely effected through overproduction of natural gas in order to meet financial analyst’s production targets," she wrote. "Further, leases were bundled and flipped on unproved shale fields in much the same way as mortgage-backed securities had been bundled and sold on questionable underlying mortgage assets prior to the economic downturn of 2007." Also see :
"Perils of the Keystone XL Pipeline Confront Obama", by Ralph Nader :
From which : "Since fracking is spreading rapidly in many states to increase U.S. oil production, not to mention burgeoning natural gas fracking extractions, why would President Obama want to approve Keystone XL? What about his State of the Union warnings regarding global warming and its terrible costs in lives, property and money?"
ne quid nimis ...
Ditto for the XL pipeline.
It's much larger than you know.
Fracking earthquakes!!
Don't worry, they're just earthquakes. They're perfectly natural.
I think not. End fracking. build a million wind turbines!
But, but injections wells are also used, effluent.
You don't want them to just dump it anywhere, do you?
There's only so much they can dump in the river before someone notices.
BTW (snark)
LOL. You laugh but I think some frackers think this way.
They do think that way.
Exactly that way.
The dilbit leak in Akansas got nary mention in the national news.
On purpose.
I think they will be approving the rest of keystone and they can't have this in the news as a reminder of why we oppose it.
Outrageous and disgusting.
Pt 2 now available.
fracking cause earthquakes?
Same link?
Same web site, part 2 of the documentary. I edited the OP to include the link....................:)
Word of advice for those living in fracking communities. Get a canary. Miners used to take em into the mines with em as a early warning system - because the canary would pass out when the air went bad with gas saturation prior to it making the miners pass-out.
I have cats, the canaries wouldn't last too long anyway.........:)
Good for a bump?
Bumpity Bump Bump. {:-])
Keep some safely mounted pilot lights lit in strategic locations?
Hmmm maybe not?
As I am wondering if they would burn off the gathering fumes prior to reaching a danger level - or just be the cause of an explosion rather then preventing death by gas inhalation.
Actual detector, alarms would be a bit more practical..........:)
AHhhh - there ya go - hard wire em - check the back-up batteries regularly in case of power outage. Damn shooz that was a good call.
In Compliment:
Gases Characteristics › Support Suggested High Alarm Setpoint, 35 ppm. Sensor Mounting Height, 1 foot below ceiling. Radius of Coverage, 20 feet ... Common combustible gases include methane (natural gas), propane, butane, hydrogen. The most common combustible ...
Google is still your friend.....sometimes.
Yep - a tool can still be useful as long as you are aware of it's faults/limitations.
People - when mounting a gas detector - 1st make sure it covers the gas you are concerned about. 2nd if it says mount just below the ceiling - consider that that means below the high point of your ceiling and does not mean the high point of the outside walls. Consider a vaulted ceiling - the peak of the vault would be the wall mount place.
LOL - I love cats - the mischievous ( at times ) little brats.
Though - when I lived in Colorado - we had a cat ( tiger ) and a Bird ( no name as I can recall ) and they got along just fine - until one day they didn't. Bad kitty - Bad - Bad
Good Deal - next on list - currently watching a link from shadz
Finally found time to watch the doc. Powerful. Everyone should see it. We need it spread in NY as our gov is dilly dallying on a fracking decision.
heres another Doc on Tar sands.
Keep watching, keep posting, keep bumping and keep spreading the reality.
Part 2 = TWEETED
WhoVideo: Fracking…NOT the Gas Industry’s Version (Second Installment) via @WhoWhatWhy What You Need to Know SHARE
Watching now.
Also: nice that part two has a link to part one.
Small victory VS fracking Frackers
FYI, in compliment
The Judge has asked industry to meet with environmental groups to work something out.
You might want to keep an eye on this one, to see what they come up with and whether the Judge goes along.
Should be looked at with suspicion.
Anytime they appear to cooperate watch your back.
The two sides were supposed to give their proposals today, so you might want to look in the Frisco press tomorrow and see if you can find something Even if it only says the Judge is reviewing them, it may give a deadline for a decision..
I also posted something about environmentalists and frackers forming a committee to review/approve all Northeastern activities.
Gotta look for that. haven't seen much since then.
Spain's 1st fracking ban
FYI, and...... a bump
They'll just drill and frack it from the next area over.
That's possible. but we gotta take every small victory and hopefully create momentum to oppose fracking in the next area over, and the next, etc.
Moment of Clarity on fracking.
Bumpity Bump
Not from the Gas Industry via @WhoWhatWhy Not a problem? Water table from country travels through > city/urban land
Comments made on the doc site =
DKAtoday • in a few seconds
Cancer causing agents? Anyone notice a rise in the incidence of cancer in people in the last 30 years or so? This would be one of the causes. This does not take into account what it is doing to our land air or water. 0 • Reply • Share ›
DKAtoday • in a few seconds
A dizzy light headed feeling when showering? People your skin is your bodies largest organ - it sweats out toxins from the body - but it is not a one way street - toxins can enter the body through the skin ( ever use a cleaning product that recommends wearing gloves ? Well. That is why! ) - so figure besides the methane that is coming out of the pipes - your plumbing - your water - what other toxins are also coming along - " IN YOUR WATER " and is then being absorbed into your skin/body. 0 • Reply • Share ›
DKAtoday • in a few seconds
Information ( tons of info ) on fracking. It must be stopped. Please share. Forward. Circulate. 0 • Reply • Share ›
Great Pt1.
I was actually impressed that there were people on the council that took the trip.
I'll post Pt 2 when/if it becomes available.
Check out the link on greenfootballs. It's all about the tar sands.
Most folk have no idea.
It will have to wait. I'm getting ready to pass my data limit.
Watching the documentary now - posted a reply to it containing a link for further information about fracking =
I will likely post the documentary to twitter as well.
Great documentary.
Thanks for the tweet, although I guess I might need to start a new thread on the tar sands.
I'll watch it tonight. I need a respite after having done battle with OJ all day, yesterday. Did he finally get banned?
He just posted underneath you. So unfortunately, no, and I doubt he's interested in such things.
I like the one on the tar sands too, the guy is in tears a few times.
I know more about the tar sand extrication process than the fracking issue, but I will get up to speed on both tonight. Thanks
OldJohn still lol
In case you missed it. Here it is again.
How far they want to pipe this dilbit is astounding in a decidedly nasty kind of way.
Thanks shooz, that guy made a great heart-felt presentation. The world needs more people like him.
You're wrong. It's a very good documentary.
Frack you
Wrong about what?
I see you're having cognition and comprehension issues now.
I'm not surprised.
Will you pretend you're being stalked on a public forum next?
Don't tire yourself over frivolous activities. Just discuss ideas, and stop worrying about the proposers so much. Focus your energy on things that matter. Occupy is that thing, and that encompasses the idea of a community run website designed to help people make decisions that come to full fruition on the ground. Once we create a new better world we will need an online system which permits people to communicate their ideas, grievances, and solutions from anywhere they want. Let's start building that now, and let's do it together.
Creating a "a new better world" is not at the top of your priority list, but
Continuing the same old divided world is
I wasn't sure if you were banned early this morning, or if i simply wore you
Will you be stalking me today again? lol
You were stalking me, and so were the others. You came on my page about a communal forum remember? I posted the idea and you attacked it incessantly with fallacy after fallacy. You were only there to insult, not learn or pose interesting thoughts and/or arguments.
Appeal to motive.
I'm not an old friendless retired chap like most users on this forum. I can't spend all my time here.
I don't "attack" anyone, rather I respond to posts, and comments
"Friendless retired chap"?...sounds kind of like an "attack" on me
This "friendless retired chap" (you're funny) will be with.... errr good friends this afternoon, and night for a traditional, 3 generation weekly, family Sunday dinner in which i bring dessert, nothing home-made tho
So you will have relative free reign (unless someone picks up the slack) to perpetuate your divisiveness
I see your idea, or likeability gained a lot of support overnight as you are only at -1 now, up 246 points, WOW, maybe I am out of step?? lol
When will you set your little pseudonyms on me?
Mountain top removal mining also needs attention : ( clean water act - what is it for if not situations like this ? )
From the Sierra club.
For many people living near mountaintop removal coal mining sites in Appalachia, the water they are forced to use for bathing, cooking, and even drinking is cloudy, brown, and toxic.
Years of mountaintop removal coal mining have buried 2,000 miles of local streams with waste from Big Coal's destruction -- many of the streams that are left are devoid of life. Well water in the area isn't safe either, and it's making people sick. People living nearby are at higher risk of cancer and birth defects.
More than four years ago, President Obama said we need to find ways to avoid "blowing the tops off mountains." We're still waiting; tell the Obama administration we can't wait any longer -- it's time to act!
During President Obama's first term, the EPA issued some guidelines that encourage coal companies to do more to protect the water in Appalachia. But these guidelines are non-binding -- mining companies and some Appalachian state agencies are doing all they can to fight them.
Half-measures like these are unacceptable when the health of entire communities is on the line.
Tell President Obama and the EPA that everyone deserves clean water. Urge them to act now to protect Appalachia from mountaintop removal mining!
Congress passed the Clean Water Act over forty years ago so that no one would be forced to drink polluted water. Enforcing the Clean Water Act is something that the Obama administration can do right away, without waiting for Congress, to bring relief to Americans living near mountaintop removal mining.
Holding coal companies accountable for this dangerous pollution is one of many actions President Obama must take during his second term to secure a clean energy legacy for our children.
Please tell President Obama that you will measure the clean energy legacy of his presidency by what he does to protect Appalachians from the effects of mountaintop removal.
Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,
Mary Anne Hitt Beyond Coal Campaign Director Sierra Club
P.S. After you take action, forward this message or spread the word on Facebook or Twitter by clicking our handy share buttons below:
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mountain top removal is fucked up. Hoodlums and thugs have shot up a man's house because he refuses to move from his land in West Virginia.
Wy court rules against Environmentalists & with fracking frackers.;_ylt=Ai2WkQw5E7OscaDJh8z2lSbNt.d_;_ylu=X3oDMTVxcW5sOThhBGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IE5ld3MgZm9yIFlvdSB3aXRoIE1vcmUgTGluawRwa2cDYTcxY2FkMTItMjY0ZC0zNmJkLThiNDQtYmJmZWE4NWRmYTc0BHBvcwM4BHNlYwNuZXdzX2Zvcl95b3UEdmVyA2I1MzZkMTMxLTk1N2YtMTFlMi05ZGYxLTJiNzk1YjcwZGMzYw--;_ylg=X3oDMTM5dTZoaDBmBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDYzQ5MTA2NDAtOGVhNC0zYzFjLWJhZmQtY2Q5NmY4MzM2ZTVjBHBzdGNhdANzY2llbmNlfGFuaW1hbHNhbmRwZXRzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3
One would think that parts of this country are still living the wild west pre law ( lawless ) nastiness.
Why is it they have such an incredibly hard time finding cleaner ways to extract energy potential from the Planet?
Every new way they find, is dirtier than the way they did it before.
Reducing costs of operation to make energy cheaper for the public - Ya Sure - FUCKING GREEDY Worker abusing and Starving WORLD DESTROYING ASSHOLES.
What's cheaper?
I think it's more like extortion.
Let us blow up your mountain, or we will shoot this dog.
It is insane thinking allowed to become fact - in the name of GREED.
Yep a good part one - am looking forward to part 2.
The public needs to be educated.
For the most part people tend to think - well this is a rural problem - isolated - out in the sticks.
They have got to realize that the water table - the underground aqua-firs run from rural to urban - they are the same aqua-fir - so they are at the same hazard - no matter where the fracking gets done.
I'll post a thread on the tar sands later then, as I just posted a thread on Lee Camps new show.
Protect Appalachia's Water from Mountaintop Removal Mining! Clean Water Act = Support It Enforce It.
Good deal - got to keep good issues in circulation.
With the delema Obama has on XL -
protect the environment & stop XL
create jobs & build XL
what do you think of a rail road line to transport the oil
a crash would be relatively contained & it would create jobs
to reduce danger further, the rail line could run thru a 10' tall pipe with ( breaks for transport )
If you could get CSX involved, it might grow legs, but at this point the TransCanada and Koch monies are ruling the roost of the lobbies at both the State and Federal levels, and you can be assured that ALEC is also busy at the State level.
Change this a bit & send it:
Mr. Michael Ward
500 Water Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Dear Mr Ward:
I have been a stock holder in CSX for many years. I have been very pleased with the stock performance and especially your green efforts.
It seems to me that President Obama has a big delema -
that you can help solve -
stop the XL pipeline & protect the environment
build the XL pipeline & create jobs.
I have an alternative that could be good for everyone - create jobs & protect the environment.
Obviously - ship the oil by rail road tank car.
For extra protection against accidents, the rail line could be built INSIDE a pipe - ( circular or semi-circular ) with each section a mile or two long that could be sealed if necessary and with breaks where necessary for cross traffic.
This would be much more expensive for the oil companies - but it does create jobs & protects the environment.
Again - thank you for the care you take with OUR company.
I'm not sure how many barrels 30,000 gallons equals, but here is a train wreck.
BP = 210,000,000 gallons - 7000 times larger
a large residential oil tank is 1000-2000 gallons I'm not sure this is the answer , but if you put the rail line in a lined trench or inside of a sealable pipe , this may be a solution
what you're proposing would likely mean the rail line would be dedicated to shipping oil and I don't believe they would do that.
How about using oil filled capsules riding a monorail inside existing pipelines?
just an idea worth considering
I'm trying to consider the fact that the XL fairly closely follows the new Madrid fault line.
And not just by you
"Although reluctant at first, coastal refiners embraced the margin boost that crude by rail provides them"
Fracking causes earthquakes
ban it damn it
So, thats what caused the san francisco earthquake?
Maybe. Was there fracking back then? Don't misinterpret the statement to mean fracking has caused every earthquake throughout history.
Kinda stupid to suggest fracking could have created an earthquake decades before it was used.
fracking has been around for about 60 years. you really dont get sarcasm.
Fracking changed radically in the last 10 years. You really don't get factual statements.
there is no proof, only speculation thats fits their agenda.
Oh. Or are you in denial cause it don't fit YOUR agenda?
Here's the proof in Dallas!
Is that 3 sites so far?.
There are others!
your mind is too small to understand what i am speaking about.
Your saying there is no global warming. I'm saying we gotta stop polluting.
no proof, just aspersions.
You can pretend there is no proof but the scientists and pols who called for moratorium, and most of all smart people know there is enough proof.
major refers to the richter scale. the earth is covered with tectonic plates that are constantly ( though slowly) moving against each other. when pressure builds up, you have an earthquake. beside these specific and well known plates there are fault lines all around the planet..
Yeah so. I know about the science of earthquakes. I still didn't say major. You made that up so you could say 'there have no major quakes'.
ut there have been many quakes resulting from fracking. That you cannot deny honestly.
Do we need a majorquake before you support a moratorium?
an atheist does not believe in god. that doesnt stop you from believing in the religion of global warming/climate change.
I think you are confused. I am not religious at all.
you belong to the religion of global warming/climate change,..i do not.i have no agenda . you and your ilk do.
I am an atheist.
can you prove that any earthquakes occurred due to fracking?
There is lotsa proof
It's a moot point these days.
Frackers (just like monsanto) have been give carte blanche to do what they like without fear of reprisal or court hearings.
That's what you get when congress and the senate are allowed to play insider stock market trading.
The practise is highly illegal in every other western nation. More proof that organised crime now runs Murika.
more proof. from the us geological society!
mother jones, huff post,yahoo? lol too funny.
You think they made it up.? You think if it don't appear on fox or Breitbart it hasn't happened.?
can you prove that any earthquakes occurred due to fracking?
I guess the politicians (Kasich etc) who called a moratorium after scientists proved it will have to be enough.
Did you read the article?
How many major earthquakes in the last 10 years? 2? 3? did they occcur in areas where fracking is done? NO.
I never said major. Are you making things up (major ?) just to knock 'em down? Straw man anyone.?
There have been many small earthquakes in several areas. Do we need to wait for a major one before you support action?
End fracking. Build 1 million wind turbines.
Oil/Gas feeling Lennons heat.
Now launching attack against peoples opposition to fracking.
Don't Frack my Mother
Would you drink fracking fluid?
Simply making automatic turn offs every 100 yards would be a good start.
People dont realize theres already a pipeline that goes from Canada all the way down to Texas. It just runs a bit crooked, for some reason they decided to run this one straight through, almost as if they were trying to make a big spectacle of it.
Oil/Gas feeling Lennons heat.
Now launching attack against peoples opposition to fracking.
Don't Frack my Mother
I've posted the extent of the dilbit pipeline and it's proposed expansions several times. I'm not going to do it again here, as the subject is finding a safer way of shipment.
In your proposal, if the New Madrid becomes active, those cutoffs would offer little protection.
Well if you wanted to bring that post back up it could be useful as an extension of this topic. I would enjoy reading it.
It would interesting to see how many trains would have to travel that distance per day to equal the amount of movement in the liquid.
You have to add in the Canadian point of view.
And the full proposal.
Is the rail line ran off of magnets?
It's a popular idea.
NY fracking events
Shrieking liberal eco terrorists..making up more lies. They'll do anything to cripple the energy industry, and have Americans living in caves and riding bikes. Liberals energy policy. "What comes from the ground.....stays in the ground"
Freaking trollish idiot!!!
You're the one living in a cave. I hope you're enjoying your chilled fracking fluid.