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Forum Post: FoxNews biases in 2OO8 Pres idential Campa ign Gave Barack 0bama to U.S.A!

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 6, 2012, 3:19 a.m. EST by Mediicne (1)
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All Out War On Ron Paul - World Affairs Brief Commentary And Insights On A Troubled World By Joel Skousen, Editor - World Affairs Brief, 5-19-07

In the first GOP debate, Ron Paul came out of nowhere to capture the growing pro-Constitutional and anti-war sentiment of the viewers. His poll numbers doubled the others and had to be suppressed. In the second debate this week Fox News hosts were gunning for him, jabbing with questions tainted by skepticism and innuendo about his "being out of step with the Republican party." When Paul dared utter that American interventionist foreign policy was in large part responsible for 9/11, they allowed Rudolph Giuliani to jump into the debate out of turn to denounce him. The denunciations have been non-stop ever since, even threatening to deny Paul a place in any future debates.

As Andrew Sullivan, perennial GOP critic said of Paul's rising star, "They're scared, aren't they? The Internet polls show real support for him [Paul]. Fox News' own internet poll placed him a close second, with 25 percent of the votes from Fox News viewers [actually Paul was running first with 30%, well into the polling]. We have a real phenomenon here -- because someone has to stand up for what conservatism once stood for."

Presidential candidate Ron Paul merely uttered the mildest form of criticism -- that US incessant interference in the Middle East provided a major provocation for terrorists--a conclusion backed up by the establishment's own 9/11 Commission! Yet Rudolph Giuliani had the gall to say, "I don't think I've heard that before, and I've heard some pretty absurd explanations for September 11."

During the debate, Paul specifically said that terrorists attacked the United States "because we've been over there; we've been bombing Iraq for 10 years. We've been in the Middle East [intervening]." Fox News White House correspondent Wendell Goler jumped on this opportunity to make Paul look extreme: "Are you suggesting we invited the 9-11 attack?"

Paul replied: "No. Non-intervention was a major contributing factor. Have you ever read the reasons they attacked us? They attack us because we've been over there..." He then recounted Reagan's decision to pull out of Middle East intervention after the Beruit bombing of Marines, that "we don't understand Middle East politics."



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