Forum Post: Four 9-11 memorial workers not held accountable for stealing our property
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 10:45 a.m. EST by Becka1169
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The night of the removal from Zuccotti Park, four uniformed 9-11 memorial workers were lurking near the piles of our property that the police would not let us get to. When the opportunity arose, the 9-11 memorial workers took some of the drums as well as a couple of other things. Did they give the drums back yet? They are on film walking away with our property, in uniform. This was a clear injustice and illegal act that was allowed by the police and sanitation workers at the scene. Was the 9-11 memorial contacted directly? These four vultures need to be held accountable for preying on the people when they were vulnerable and unable to respond. When one protester followed them and asked for them to return the merchandise, he was cursed at by one of the uniformed memorial workers and prevented from continue to follow them by police. An absolute injustice that must not go unanswered.