Forum Post: Coherent demands, a proposed set, items 2 & 3
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by apacheman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A lot of people complain that OWS isn't focused enough and lacks a set of coherent demands.
I offer these for your consideration:
2.We demand accountability.
Fully investigate the global financial sector for fraud, insider trading, bribery, and conflicts of interest, publish the results, and prosecute lawbreakers. Fully investigate the global energy sector for compliance with environmental laws, worker safety laws, insider trading, bribery, and conflicts of interest, publish the results, and prosecute all lawbreakers, including but not limited to business executives, politicians, and regulators.
The global economic crisis has been brought about because frauds have gone unpunished. Audit the Fed, and the banks completely and publish all the information publicly. Prosecute every single banker, financial executive, employee, or lawyer who violated laws, strip the convicted of their ill-gotten wealth and forbid them from ever working in finance again after serving their prison terms at hard labor. NO deals.
The disasters of the Gulf Coast oil well blowout and the Fukushima meltdowns have endangered the lives of tens of millions of people, and may be effecting all of humanity. Full disclosure of the risks we all face immediately and those that will accumulate is our right and must be not be denied.
3.We demand control of our own money.
Taxes may be inevitable, but it is OUR money, and we should retain the right to say where it goes. Establish secure tax payment centers in every city, town, and municipality of country of the world so that its citizens may decide which government departments, agencies, and programs they want their money to go to. Legislatures, parliaments, and congresses may decide which programs, bills, etc are to be put before the people to choose to fund, but it is up to the citizenry to decide which of those they want to fund.