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Forum Post: forum agenda and biases....

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 12:15 p.m. EST by henoktg (66)
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The creators of this forum have made it to where "Lawl" replaces "Paul". Kinda shows you their agenda and biases. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFjM1ZzZSE8&feature=related



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[-] 1 points by henoktg (66) 13 years ago

....We think we can discern the power elite’s pattern now. They did indeed intend for the economic chaos afflicting the world; how could they not since they set it in motion via the central banks they control? Not only have they inflicted the ruinous boom-bust cycle via central banking, they have now capitalized on it via demonstrations and riots in Europe and the formation of a global protest movement.

The riots are great political theatre, but in our view they are not serious, or not yet. Most of those involved are perfectly sincere – and agonized – over what is taking place, but at the top, history is being manipulated and plans are being set in motion.

It is too pat, too perfect. The mainstream media – an entirely controlled apparatus in our view – is bringing us all the sound and fury of these civil conflicts from the riots in Europe to the demands of Occupy Wall Street in America to the soundbites of the Modern Technological Messiah, Julian Assange, on the steps of St. Paul’s in Britain. TV, news, even the Internet is ablaze with modern, scripted chaos.

There are wars in the Middle East and Africa, a growing (controlled) global protest, the world’s remaining pillar of economic stability – China – teeters perilously over a pit of stagflation and recession. There is talk of revolution … and guillotines. Russia Today, seemingly part of the Hegelian Dialectic after all, brings us rioting in full color over the Internet. All that is left now is to increase the agony while gradually introducing the final structures of globalism as the antidote.

There is no doubt the pain is real; yet it seems to us that the Anglosphere power elite behind this mischief for at least a century and perhaps 300 years or more may be rushing things. There is also no doubt in our view that the truth-telling of the Internet when combined with the raw rage that people are feeling – and the Greeks are giving voice to – are a danger to elite plans.

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

it does? i'm tempted to test it

[-] 1 points by henoktg (66) 13 years ago

Test ... crate a post with RON PAUL.... it will change to "RON Lawl"

oh ya they noting happen with names like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney & Herman ...‎

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

oh just "ron paul"

i thought they were going to change all "paul"s. that would be silly.

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Maybe they're, like most of the rest of us, just plain tired of the continual barrage of largely off-point posts about him.

[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Maybe people feel the same way about mr hope-less and change-nothing OBLAMA ?

Maybe the reason people discuss Paul is that his platform is directly related to the core issues being hashed out here. Like monetary policy, federal reserve, central banking, bailouts etc.

If this forum blacklists Paul then it has zero credibility.

Paul supporters are part of the 99% and they have just as much right here as everyone else.

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Then they shouldn't have spammed the forum with a ton of crap. lol

Obama is President so there's some justifiable reason for a large number of posts mentioning him. Paul is one of many. If people were continually posting Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN Cain CAIN... then I'd expect the same to happen. But they're not.

[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Who spammed?

And how do you know it was pro Paul people and not the exact opposite?

There were many posts here a few days ago that were OBVIOUSLY written to provoke others AGAINST Paul.

If this forum is about the 99%, then that includes his supporters.

If there appear to be a lot of his supporters here then that's good.

Everyone adds their own opinions into the mix.

The mods can remove spam but this is unacceptable.

[-] -1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

site:occupywallst.org "Ron Paul"


Over 4,000 posts with the term "Ron Paul" and that's not all inclusive since this site isn't well indexed and doesn't include those using just "Paul."

For comparison on the same basis:

~7,000 mentioning Obama ~900 Clinton ~540 Romney ~400 Cain

And you can scan the results to see that it's not a result of anti-Paul posters.

Sorry guy, you F'ed yourselves.