Forum Post: Form your own lobby
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:04 a.m. EST by Heliodorus
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There is a simple solution within the law. Form your own lobby and lobby Congress on behalf of the American people. Frequently, your congressman's hands are tied because he (or she) is facing a room full of corporate lobbyists and your voice is absent. Help Congress act on your behalf by forming America's lobby (or an OWS Lobby). Then lobby the hell out of your own Congress. And while you're at it, form your own TV network - the airwaves belong to you..
Seriously. Green Party, Tea Party, etc., they're all the same. You, the American people, still don't have a voice. In fact, form your own virtual congress (see 9th and 10th amendments) of the Internet (crowd source it), use your new TV network to openly debate each topic, take a vote, hire lobbyists (or send your own), monitor how your representatives in the U.S. Congress vote and then send those who don't believe in democratic rule packing.
Let's just vote 3rd party for next year's election...Green/Independent/Rent Is Too Damn High/Write-In....I know it won't change much, but at the very least it could put our colluded two party system on know, shock the system....
YOU (the collective "YOU") don't need bags of money. You have the vote. For a lengthy discussion, see
Unless our Lobby is also delivering briefcases full of money to our Congress then our Lobby will mean nothing. Then the next question begs to be asked, must we bribe our politicians to get stuff done, don't they already get paid for their services (or lack thereof)?