Forum Post: Forget Wall St, Forget Anti-Capitalist Think; Occupy The Vampires At The Fed and D.C.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:57 a.m. EST by gekko
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many of you are now preaching ideologies akin to socialism and other variations of collectivism- the very ideologies and practices that have created our neo-fascist-crony-capitalist-corporatocracy in the first place. Unless we re-establish our old American principles; limited government, sound money, liberty, and truly free markets, we will be no different than any other socialist or communist regime that normally emerges after times of turmoil like this. For those of you who place the blame on capitalism and free markets and other things that 'arise' from these principles, I recommend clicking the link and reading an article that argues that we haven't had uncorrupted or government-central controlled free markets or capitalism since the inception of the Fed... Worth the read for anyone still on the fence about it
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