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Forum Post: Forget the list of demands..

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 8:10 p.m. EST by ithink (761) from York, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Forget the list of demands. What we need is a top 5 shitlist. Its a very clear, very direct message. We need a very detailed list of the top 5 douchebags in Corporate America, as well as any corporation who is associated with them. Then we simply stop doing business with all of them. Our power, as the masses in this culture, is certainly not in physical strength. It is obviously not mental capacity for new and interesting ideas. The only thing the masses in this culture have to fight with, is consumerism.



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[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

You are correct. The only thing they understand is money (ours). Our only weapons are consumerism (or, more appropriately, anti-consumerism) and, so I've been told, our votes.

[-] 1 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

Don't stop at 5.

[-] 1 points by sassafrass (197) 13 years ago

I agree with your point about voting with our [retracted] dollars and that the ol' "bottom line" is what's important to those folks. As to a detailed list of douchebags, the thing is it isn't any specific douchebag in particular. It's specific economic legislation that allows the douchebags to run amok in their douchebaggery. Smoke out the current crop of douchebags now and if nothing else changes you'll have a new and hardier crop of them next week.

[-] 1 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

you are all just spoiled...no one complained about the financial system when things were good, and things have been worse...its just that we have never had a president that encouraged class warfare

you encouraged it by blindly buying into the iPod generation BUYER BEWARE what did you think was going to happen

keep on sucking down the starbucks...id like to see the proportion of OWSers that have an ipad