Forum Post: forget the greed and honesty stuff; go for achievable
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:40 a.m. EST by Old1
from Las Cruces, NM
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
stopping greed and/or stopping is like trying to repeal the laws of gravity. fix what can be fixed: laws. the Wall Street/Federal Reserve Alliance can be broken and is a solid "Initiative", not demand. need to DROP THE DEMAND WORD, sounds like a kid in a supermarket demanding candy from mommy.
is there a site anyone knows of that isn't filled with non cohesive thought from which a sound "platform" can be generated? there's a lot of spleen venting here but mostly nonstarter, emotional diatribe. solidarity need a solid foundation. is anyone thinking about reality and a successful PLAN?? T. Jefferson must be rolling in his grave.
Good points... I wish this site has a Like button... upvote this... having Goals that are Achievable...
you have to realize who we're dealing with. i believe demand carries a bad connotation. nothings can change our resolve but inadvertently setting up walls makes an already task harder. my feeling p.s. demanding the whole enchilada at once will yield nothing; wars are won a battle at a time (see history)
But they are demands. Perhaps initiatives sounds better. But we need to DEMAND!!! equity.
1) Moratorium on foreclosures for single-family, residential homes;
2) Loan modification for mortgages; and
3) Student loan amnesty.
We need an economy; these policies were heal the housing crisis and begin the recovery we need.