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Forum Post: Forget fighting the liberal, conservative, republican, democrat people, all this Fox news and CNN bullshit is about diversions keeping you distracted from the cons that are going on.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 1:06 a.m. EST by PeoplehaveDNA (305)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I can not say how sick I am of the fucking stupid people fighting over Republican/Democrat and who's side is more fucked up. They both are fucked up, and each party plays the American people. It is not about ideologies it is about money, cons, and non cons. Wake up!!!!!
These two parties are not even real parties that represent the majority of people's ideologies. The majority of people have ideologies that are much broader,deeper, and varied than any politician in the current two party dictatorship. It is all a diversion from the real possibilities and solutions. They want you divided because it makes you weak. Are you weak? You can get along better than you think when you shed the forced fed politics in this country and start problem solving. I was forced fed politics in this country and I don't play ithe propaganda game. I don't subscribe to it, I don't believe it when I here it, and I don't give a fuck about it . Nor should you, fuck the propaganda!!!



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[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

I just realized when I skip a line the script goes off the page, weird.

[-] 1 points by ToddDunning (89) from Aliso Viejo, CA 13 years ago

Actually DNA, in a few years you'll become a hardcore politico and very involved indeed in your party's platform and politics. You're pissed now because you're still young.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

My views have been going on about the situation in politics for twenty years. It is all crap politics the only difference is that now is that we have the internet to fact check all the political bullshit which past generations sadly did not have. Thank you for calling me young but I am no spring chicken as you might have guessed, and I have more life experience than you think. And believe it or not old people are catching on to the bullshit more than you think, an old people are the strong majority that votes.

[-] 1 points by ToddDunning (89) from Aliso Viejo, CA 13 years ago

Completely agree on the value of the Web for fact checking. That is a very vital point. And I'm 47 - and we smell the bullshit miles before the young do of course. Though at 20 I thought that the oldies were all dumbshits. How wrong I was.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

I am 40 am I a younging, go on make me smile tell me I am? Yeah I have to agree the older generation are a bit set in their ways with politics, but the truth is that they never had the full story growing up did they!!! I mean look at the way we get information now a days it is astounding, I read all my news from alternative media and corporate media when it suits me. I blog and comment about current events, people often give me access to information I would not have knows otherwise. Of course I check and cross check their information, but it is still astounding how people will scour the internet for hidden articles and hidden information in general about our so-called politicians. Now look back to the 60's, 70's and 80's how did the average citizen get decent political information? They didn't really. Unless they watched CBS or NBC or a political insider told them they would not know what is going on. I am going to say it like this: as soon as cuts are made to Medicare and SS programs we will see a bunch of pissed off Baby Boomers and Silent Generations who are not going to sit idle for much longer. And as you know the aging generation are key voters. And when these two generations finally come out from their slumber all hell will break loose at the voting booths. This is why the Supercommitee is so eager to stall cuts until after elections. All these assholes really care about is getting reelected and NONE OF THEM deserve to be. Vote them out!!!!

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Not necessarily. I'm an old guy and as independent as ever. I absolutely hate all of the mindless us -vs- them crap these days. Wasn't always the case. The strict ideological BS on both sides is why we can't get a damn thing done.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

I tried to tell them that they are controlled by the media, and that it's all a distraction. They won't listen. It's too late.