Forum Post: Forget about the donations, the story is probably a lie anyway
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:27 p.m. EST by Ananda
from Boston, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Even if it is true that there is 500k somewhere and that someone (s) are going to make off with it, don't let that undermine what we are doing. I know it sucks but, prove that money doesn't matter. I know that winter is coming and it is going to be very cold but, let those who support you keep you warm. This Movement is so large now and still growing. People in other countries die for speaking the message, surely that is worth 500K. Stay strong, stay in Solidarity. You have set a fire to the elite. The oppresed of the world have been waiting for us americans to wake up, we are now awake and we will not falter. Forget the money, don't let the media turn us against eachother!
NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, of course they will not print anything favorable. However, now that I've read the post story it really is not the scandal that some of these posters here are making it out to be.
Comfort guy is mad he can't get more than 150 dollars approved for laundry (it has to go thru the GA).
Drum people are mad they didn't get 8000 dollars because their drums were destroyed.
That's the gist of the story. And it says "almost" 500K. During the week it was 300K i kinda doubt they raised another 200K in the past four days, but maybe im wrong lol
Here is the link:
That's my feeling is that it is slant. OWS is hitting greed where it hurts and wish to paint OWS as the same greedy fucks they are. Fuck NYP!
Ha, $ moves in.