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Forum Post: Force canadaite to make there campagin funding records public.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:02 p.m. EST by Satyr000 (86)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One of the biggest problems with our government starts long before someone is elected to office. Companies and their backers are pumping money into campaign funds to get candidates elected to office. Fight to get campaign funding at every level of government completely transparent. Force every candidate to make there campaign funding records completely public. When combined with more campaign finance restrictions it will make it harder for corporations and their candidates to destroy the working class.



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[-] 1 points by Daxattack (15) 13 years ago

I thought you would be interested in the electronic petition that has been created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 22, 2011, the White House will review it and respond! If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here: http://wh.gov/gWX

[-] 1 points by Mcc (542) 13 years ago

Hell yea. Great idea.

[-] 1 points by wheresthemoney (26) 13 years ago

How about making it illegal for corporations to fund any kind of candidates. This will take away their power over the government.

[-] 1 points by Satyr000 (86) 13 years ago

That will only fix part of the problem. If that the only change we make big business and there backers will still make large donations to election funds on a individual bases. By making all donations public you discourage them from doing so. Think about it. There isn't a reporter alive that would not kill for the chance to attach a candidate to a known oil company executive that has made a large donation to their campaign fund. If and when that happens, the candidates campaign will go up in flames.

[-] 1 points by wheresthemoney (26) 13 years ago

Well at least we agree that there is a problem with funding these campaigns. We know where the problem is, Now we must move forward. It can not continue like this. Too many people are hurting.

[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 13 years ago

Agreed -but we need to take it even further. We need to end "corporate person hood." The corporations (many of which are multinational, with boards of directors full on non US citizens) are using their money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. This form of legalized bribery has been going on for decades and has effectively disenfranchised the American public. The $50 or $100 an American citizen may give to a campaign becomes insignificant when you have corporations handing out hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. We need to make corporate campaign donations illegal so we can get some people in our elected offices that actually represent OUR interests, not just the interests of the rich and powerful.