Forum Post: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 11:28 p.m. EST by tympan55
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Our leaders have failed us. Not just those in power, or those who seek power; every leader who has contributed to bringing us to this moment in history is guilty. It has been a collaborative effort.
Failure of leadership is representative of failure on all levels. The fish rots from the head down. This is manifest in the very process by which we choose our leaders. Massive amounts of money pitted against the superficiality of public opinion.
When the history of the world is studied years from now, perhaps in a country that has yet to be created, this date will be remembered as the time when the reduction of human worth to a numerical coefficient took revenge against itself. Scientists and theologians agreed on the inevitability of the event; one calls it revelation, the other, the big bang. Both are premonitions of our own annihilation.
Nice composition.
Scary, but...RIGHT ON! Couldn't have said it better. I know you're SPOT-ON about the history part. The books written of this era will be mind-boggling!