Forum Post: For those of you who join in with those who want to vote for Obama
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 22, 2012, 10:07 p.m. EST by SteveKJR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I found this on youtube. Very interesting dialogue and it says a lot about the people who vote for Obama
So "stupid Obama voters" are African American? This is not interesting dialogue at all. It is a racist clip by people who don't even understand what they are hearing. It is only interesting because many, not all, but many African Americans are socially conservative while being liberal (Democrat) with regards to the economy. Note that they didn't ask any questions about jobs or taxes or social security, etc.
Sure, but they didn't even know that Sarah Palin wasn't his VP candidate. Those people were very poorly informed and yet favored Obama.
That was three people chosen by Howard Stern's stooges. African Americans are historically Democrat.
I agree with you about that, but being "social conservatives" is not an explanation for thinking Palin was Obama's running mate.
No. These were obviously people who are busy working and trying to survive and were not paying much attention to politics. I'll bet you, though, that they liked some her social conservative rants.
Yep, when people are struggling to survive, there's not much opportunity for political involvement so they get screwed more and more. When a politician says all the right things, even as he betrays the people who elected him, it is even harder for people to catch on.
Could well be they enjoyed Palin's rants. She has such cute suits too!
Exactly. You made me laugh. Thank you very much.
But many African Americans are also very poor and are on welfare,food stamps and all sorts of Federal and State assistance,is that what you mean by "liberal (Democrat) with regards to the economy"?
That is the main reason for them voting Democrat in the first place. It's why Democrats are all about spending trillions of tax payers $$$ to ensure their voting block are taken care of.
Considering there's more white boys and their bitches on welfare and food stamps.
What's that say for the assholes and the GOP they vote for?
Maybe there just teabagger "morans?"
Thanks, shooz. Now I don't have to reply to him.
Why all the hostility?
I'm guessing you've never heard of a white Democrat.
Did I provide too much of an inconvenient truth?
If you and your constituency, or your block, would pay the working class enough so they were not under the federal poverty level, then they would not be on welfare. After all, don't the Republicans support the job creators? If that is the case, then the Democrats support the ones that are discarded by the job creators.
I'm not sure that you really know WTF you're talking about.
I suppose playing "make believe" is easier and just plain fun compared to sucking up the truth and trying to deal with it.
Only keeping it real. I have free will, and would love to pay more taxes but the money I make does not allow me that privilege, maybe if those with all the money would pay me more for my services, or my favorite, labor, then i would be happy to pay my fair share. But as it stands, my job is underrated . It is not my fault that I'd rather die than answer a phone all day, or do the other mundane, soul steeling jobs that deserve premium billing? I believe you are the one that don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Besides, I don't make up belief; I live it.
"would love to pay more taxes but....."
This is Obama's line. This is the same line used by all Libs.
The "but" is what tells it all. There is always an excuse for not putting your $$ where your mouth,convictions and ideology are.
It's very amusing to read what Libs come up with for not supporting their High Tax Mantra. It's absolutely disingenuous and hypocritical but never surprising.
If you want to pay Higher Taxes than PAY THEM!!!
Free rider dilemma read it and weep. Also If it's so rational, how much extra do you pay? I have to live and enjoy life, If you believe i could still have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with my eight dollars an hour being taxed more, then you are happy to try and form a political caucus that will argue that claim. Good luck!
Actually I don't have your dilemma. I don't believe in paying higher taxes to the Govt. You're the one who want's to pay "more taxes but".
I don't agree or support your Liberal/Progressive agenda or politics. You should probably reevaluate your ideology or political choices because if you work hard and pay your own way than your not really living down to the Democrat party line. You need to go on welfare or food stamps if you really want to be a true Democrat voter.
That is convenient, and self interested, luckily, we have a political process. The rational mind is a bitch and justice is the wench that whoops her ass every time. You either step aside while we tax the ones with money to fix the problems their free markets and political tradings have caused or prepare to have your ass taxed more. Gotta pay the bills, homey. Whether you believe it or not, there is some taxing to be done. Also there are a lot of families who have to work forty hours a week and receive foodstamps. that is the reality that you don't want to see.
Most blacks will vote for Obama because he is black. That is a fact. The rest is simply white liberal bullshit. Sorry if the truth hurts your feelings.
Not true. African Americans are consistently Democrat, always have been.
And that changes my previous post how?
Well, you said that they voted for Obama because he is black. I'd argue they voted for him because he's a Democrat just like they voted for Bill Clinton.
They have voted in record numbers because he is black. And despite his failure as a president they will do so again. Yes, blacks tend to vote democrat. Why I don't know.(well, I have my suspicions) . But race is directly involved and you might stop pretending it doesn't make a difference.
They vote democratic because democrats support their economic needs. When most people vote they vote with their pocketbooks. Economic issues trump social issues most of the time.
You mean giving them food stamps and welfare?
When they can't find work, yes, sadly, I guess so, that is part of it, but plenty of white folks feel the same way about social safety nets, so it's not fair to go where you want to go with that.
Listen carefully: the only thing that the republicrat party has ever done is take blacks from the plantation to the projects and teach them to like it. White liberal feminists taught them they didn't need father/mother families. The vast majority votes for whoever will make white liberals happy.
I don't think it is so much about the color of skin. It is more about economic status.
I don't agree but I respect your opinion.
Same here.
Dude, that is a rationalization if I ever heard one. Rationalizations of that magnitude are apt to be called conspiracy theories.
you didnt answer the question . would you rather they just die?
Would you just rather them die?
That is such an asinine statement I'm not going to answer. Grow up.
You are telling me to grow up because I do not like people dying? Are you serious? EVERY action you do affects this world. I suggest you should start worrying about these things.
Once again Youtube is used to support a stereotypical concept.
It's very hard not to counter with the simple fact that a similar video could have been created and edited to reflect the stereotypical republican voter as recently as the SC primary, put on Youtube and posted to this forum among others within less than an hour.
There are sheep in both parties, but that don't change the views of those in the know.
This is user submitted and my official statement I voted for Obama and I am from NY and I was one of many who ran around Bronx Brooklynn Manhattan and that city just the other side of Manhattan Called Harlem and If U been to Harlem U would know that vid is a well known howie (who is copying Jay Leno's comical street skit )... The other opponents of Obama where gonna do what?? One did not know and was Hoping his female sidekick as vice would get him in which is as bad or worse than U Voting for Obama cause he is Black, Then Hilliary? Free health care but If U cannot afford it U will go to Jail? duh !!!! Did u see this one, The laying of hands on a prospect for leadership is one of honor it is a show of bestowing the trust & power to lead in the holy name..
This trope seems to sum it up
Rather have Obama than anyone the red team can produce. simply put, I'll vote for the lessor of two evils. The red team is despicably disconnected and in decadence. Until the red team gets off their power trip, I'm blue though and through, even if they are slow on the up take. It is what it is, and the blue win by default.
Most significant to me is, it's understood that we only have the lessor of two evils to vote for or we, "waste" our vote because the two parties are so dominant.
Why can't we vote for changing the political process? Unless there is much change, I will vote for NPA candidates, (No Party Affiliation). otherwise, there will continue to be more of the same.
That would be a good strategy if all disgruntle citizens could coordinate their protest vote, other wise known as their NPA. The type of democracy we have, first party to fifty percent plus one, make two parties inevitable, especially when the Constitution means different thing to different people. Now when the document was written, this made perfect sense. Different states created different interests, but now in a highly communicatable society, the nation's interests can be boiled down to two parties. Those who read the constitution, in one aspect or another, a certain way are the red team, the other side is the blue team, and dissenters are either regressive, libertarians, or progressives, OWS, not conservative or liberal. After all, a pair of balls, or not being chicken shit, is what separates the two factions within the red team and the blue team.
It would be a good strategy to unify in a protest vote. Not about a person, (Ross Perot), but about equality, fairness. Those names are not on the ballot so we would need to chose someone with NPA, (No Party Affiliation), and they could be our public servant.
That sounds good, but I'd suggest you poll the eligible voters to see if they would vote for the NPA before you put him/her on the ticket. That way you are not taking votes from the lesser of the two evils. If you can get a quarter of last presidential voters to agree to vote for NPR, then I believe that contestant would stand a chance. or who knows, maybe people are perturbed enough this cycle to vote for any one but the red team or blue team, but that is a big maybe.
What we need to do is vote the "lifers" out and get some people in there with new "ideas" that will work towards making this a better country.
It was a better country at one time you know - I think it all changed after 911. We need to get it back for the "good of the people" instead of for the "good of the politicians".
That is probably the most sane statement I have heard on this forum in a while. I really do not think obama is as bad as everyone makes him out to be. I mean he has lied to us. However, he has stood by his main ideas from the beginning. I really do not care who is in office because I believe the system is the problem.
my sentiments exact... Do you believe the tax code could be reformulated to fix the system, or is it in need of a overhaul?
I kind of look at it as a global issue. Over the last 2500 years or so it seems everyone in our history usually fails on a economic level. Then a new, not much different economy is born. Its like everyone gets real rich then goes broke... over and over again. It all seems a bit ridiculous. I think the whole entire monetary system doesn't really work for the benefit of everyone. I mean even in communism there is no equality amongst everyone. I like the idea of a global resource based economy. However, I do not think it is all our systems fault but it is kind of how our society is brainwashed by xbox and cable tv. Movies about heros who slaughter hundreds of people and it becomes socially acceptable to kill. No one ever seems to want to know why anymore. What makes a man do these things. I am just looking for something that works for the people. I feel money puts a damper on our civilization actually coming to be a civilized people. I mean we have so much technology that could help us feed the hungry and have clean air but it all boils down to not having the funding. Have you ever heard of Jacque Fresco?
yes, I know that school of thought, but i'm not technologically savvy enough or faithful enough to the programmers, being whether they have my best interests at heart, to delve into that solution. Some one has to write the code for the Venus project.
Well I am not to interested in the actual Venus project. I am more interested in the things that Jacque Fresco himself has to say. I agree that we need to have a code or something put in order to get the program going. I just like to listen to everyone and draw my on conclusions based on scientific means and logical thinking. My best interest lay in what can we do for humanity in the long run. I feel that uniting as a whole and actually becoming civilized should be our main goal. We seem to be running around with our heads cut off. We have thousands and thousands of planets and galaxys to explore. I know that may be in the future but we should start working on getting us united and healthy on this planet then worry about stuff like that. Stephen Hawking and some other space guru's have the design and capability's to head to other plants just not the funding. They also have designs to colonize space and the moon. I think the main concern for humanity should be how to live efficiently and to make sure the human race continues life for billions of years.
that is interesting. i'll have to look a little closer at Jacque's teachings.
Well maybe this will change your mind.
Seriously, dog. You show me a blooper reel, not a real argument, and I'm supposed to be convinced. What you take me for boo-boo the foo'?
Well, it's all in "good fun" you know. But seriously, people need to understand what their candidate is all about instead of voting "republican" or just "democrat.
We need to vote for people who will come in with new "ideas" and to work towards making this a "better country". We need people who will stop "dividing" this country but instead "bring everyone together" for the good of everyone instead of for the few.
That would take grass roots effort and coordination. I believe that the different thinkings on what is the solution is as old as the debate over state's rights and federal prerogatives. I believe I have made my case down below, but I'm open to different interpretations. The Progressives and the Libertarians are just disgruntle Liberals and Conservatives respectfully. Libertarians believe in the state, whether they know it or not, and Progressives are modern day Federalists. There is a reason why the Libertarians flock to the Cato Institute.
Obama is not very happy with what's going on in Washington. Take a look at this.