Forum Post: For those inclined to take immediate action...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:49 p.m. EST by bwturner1951
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
post up here if you wish to help defeat S 1671, the Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act.
Background: In 2004, the American Jobs Act was enacted which gave some of America's largest and wealthiest corporations an 85% deduction on any dividends (earnings) they received from repatriated earnings from their controlled foreign corporations (CFC). This resulted in an effective tax rate on those earnings of 5.25%, an obscenely low tax rate compared to the minimum corporate tax rate of 35%. This act was passed ostensibly to stimulate job growth and reinvestment in American companies. The result was quite the opposite. Most of the companies that repatriated earnings through dividends from their CFCs laid off workers and did not invest in capital improvements. Most of the repatriated earnings were used to pay CEOs huge bonuses and dividends to shareholders.
As we protest publicly many of those same corporations that received special tax benefits from the 2004 American Jobs Act are silently lobbying congress for another round of the same. The Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act is simply a resurrected version of the 2004 American Jobs Act with a few tweaks. The deduction for repatriated earnings has been reduced to 75%, resulting in an effective tax rate of 8.75% for companies bringing their offshore, tax haven profits back into the U.S. It also attempts to instill some accountability by requiring jobs to be created by corporations using the tax benefit. We all know how accountability works in congress so I won't belabor that issue.
Senate Bill 1671 was introduced by Senator Kay Hagan and is endorsed (sponsored) by 9 other Senators. The related House Bill is H R 1844. Follow this link to read the text of the proposed bill.
On October 6, after its introduction, the Senate version was referred to the Senate Committee which then referred it to the Senate Finance Committee.
This bill embodies everything that we are striving against - the further accumulation of wealth by the already wealthy and powerful, the exercise of power by a wealthy minority over our elected officials and a blatant attempt to further disenfranchise American workers.
I will be more than happy to continue to provide updates about what is happening to this bill but we need to start making phone calls, sending emails and writing letters now to our Senators. This is an opportunity to have an impact right now and demonstrate the power of the not-so-silent majority.
Anyone who is interested in working with me on this, post up and I will provide all the necessary information on how to contact our Senators.
Below is a list of American companies that support the corporate earnings repatriation tax holiday, otherwise known as the Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act, S 1671. These companies have formed a coalition called Win America (Working to Invest Now in America)and have a website that can be found at this link:
Take the time to watch this video of Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President of the American Action Forum, speaking on behalf of Win America in support of the tax holiday. Please be sure and watch his body language beginning at 00:12 into the video. Why is he shaking his head when he says “…perhaps more the 2.9 million jobs…”? He does the same thing at 00:54 into the video when he talks about the increase in GDP resulting from the tax holiday. Eakin-Holtz was formerly the chief economist on the Council of Economic Advisors to the President from 2001-2002, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2003-2005 and former chief economic policy adviser to U.S. Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.
If you will note on the list below, not every member is a well known corporation. Many of them are professional /trade organizations that represent many hundreds and thousands more companies, who by extension, also support the tax holiday. For example, Verizon is not on the list below but is represented by the Consumer Electronics Association. If you want to see if a company is a member of any of the associations, simply do a web search on the association and go to the membership page.
Needless to say, most of the organizations have political action committees (PAC) which donate money to politicians, both incumbents and those running for first time election. Some of the amounts of these donations are obscene and you know intuitively what they are for: buying votes on preferred legislation. Perfectly legal. For example, at this link you can find the donations made by the CEA’s PAC in 2009.
List of American companies that publicly support the corporate tax holiday, euphemistically called the Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act.
Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO)
Association for Competitive Technology
Association for Financial Professionals
Business Software Alliance
CA Technologies
Cadence Design Systems, Inc
California Chamber of Commerce (CalChamber)
Consumer Electronics Association
Devon Energy
Duke Energy
EMC Corporation
Illinois Technology Association (ITA)
Information Technology Industry Council
Loews Corporation
Massachusetts High Technology Council
New Jersey Technology Council
North Carolina Technology Association
Northern Virginia Technology Council
Serious Energy
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
Silicon Valley Tax Directors Group
San Diego Software Industries Council
Software Finance and Tax Executives Council (SoFTEC)
Software & Information Industry Association
Technology Association of Georgia
TechQuest Pennsylvania
Telecommunications Industry Association
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Utah Technology Council
Varian Medical Systems
Virgin America Airlines
Washington Technology Industry Association
This is the text of a fax I sent to the Senate Finance Committee on 10/20/11.
The Honorable Max Baucus, the Honorable Orrin Hatch and Members of the Senate Finance Committee:
I am registering my strong opposition to S 1671, the Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act. I hope that your staff has done research on the efficacy of such legislation for its ostensible purposes. The reports that show that repatriated earnings do not stimulate job growth are numerous.
While I applaud the efforts to place incentives for job creation and disincentives for not doing so in the bill, the record is unequivocal that such tweaks do not work and will be rendered ineffective by corporate tax attorneys. Please do not allow this bill to leave the Senate Finance Committee to see the light of day on the Senate floor. America deserves better tax reform legislation than this. American workers deserve jobs which this bill will not provide.
Great info! Thanks!
Called Sen. Kay Hagan's office 10/20/11 Called Sen. Burr's office 10/20/11
Now we're talking!! see 'some people are trying to do . . .' and 'see quit ranting. . .' we just have to tsunami them with what we want them to do.
pass the word about this post!!
Here is a list of members of the Senate Finance Committee. If you live in a state where your Senator sits on the Finance Committee, please call or contact him/her to express your strong opposition to this piece of bad legislation. You can follow the link to their website to find contact info for each of them.
If you contact a Senator, please post up so we can see how much progress is being made with this effort.
Max Baucus, Chair, D-MT, website
Orrin Hatch, Ranking Member,R- ID, website
John D. Rockefeller, D-WV, website
Kent Conrad, D-ND, website
Jeff Bingaman, D-NM, website
John F. Kerry, D-MA, website
Ron Wyden, D-OR, website
Charles E. Schumer, D-NY, website
Debbie Stabenow, D-MI, website
Maria Cantwell, D-WA, website
Bill Nelson, D-FL, website
Robert Menendez, D -NJ, website
Thomas R. Carper, D-DE, website
Benjamin L. Cardin, D-MD, website
Chuck Grassley, R-IA, website
Olympia J. Snowe, R-ME, website
Jon Kyl, R-AZ, website
Mike Crapo, R-ID, website
Pat Roberts, R-KS, website
Michael B. Enzi, R-WY, website
John Cornyn, R-TX, website
Tom Coburn, R-OK, website
John Thune, R-SD, website
Richard Burr, R-NC, website
The two bills listed below are related or companion bills; one a Senate version and the other a House version. They both give huge tax breaks to some of America’s largest and most profitable corporations. The text of both bills can be found at the following links.
Text of the Senate Bill:
Text of the House Bill:
Don’t be fooled or become complacent because of the clever names they’ve given these two bills. And don’t be swayed by the attempts at accountability included in the bills. There was no accountability in 2004 and there will be none if this bill passes.
Below is contact information for the U. S. Senators who currently are sponsors or co-sponsors of S 1671, the Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act. Please call their offices to express your opposition to this piece of bad legislation. Write a letter, that will always get more attention. You can also go to your own Senator’s web page and ask him/her to oppose this bill by filling out the contact form. You can also get other contact information from your own state’s Senator from the website. There are 62 sponsors or co-sponsors for the House version of the bill, HR 1834 Freedom to Invest Act, too numerous to list here. Let’s concentrate on the Senate side where it has the best chance of being defeated.
Act now before this bill comes out of the Senate Finance Committee where it has been referred!
Sponsors of the Senate version S 1671, Foreign Earnings Reinvestment Act
Hagan, Kay R. - (D - NC) 521 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6342
McCain, John - (R - AZ) 241 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2235
Boxer, Barbara - (D - CA) 112 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3553
Blunt, Roy - (R - MO) 260 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-5721
Brown, Scott P. - (R - MA) 359 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-4543
Graham, Lindsey - (R - SC) 290 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-5972
Isakson, Johnny - (R - GA) 131 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3643
Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV) 303 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3954
Murkowski, Lisa - (R - AK) 709 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6665
That being said...bravo here....Very well said and researched...
In my opinion, the heart of the issue is campaign finance reform. We need to have all political campaigns funded by the taxpayers from a separate fund. An amount would be designated say: 50 million dollars or 25 or whatever is a reasonable amount to actually travel and give speeches, and provide security for the candidates etc. And that NO OTHER MONEY be used, and that any contribution from ANY private donor big or small be made unlawful. THEN we can begin to recenter American Democracy around the electoral process and the actual WILL of the people. Right now, politicians tell their "constituents" what they want to hear and make all of the promises they need to make, and then, newly elected (or re-elected) arrive in Washington and are immediately cornered and overwhelmed by all of the special interests that actually funded their campaign, and these politicians no longer connect "doing the will of the people" with "being a successful politician." THAT is the straw that is stirring this corrupt drink right now. Our leaders no longer need to act in the interests of the people they serve. Moreover, it is actually political suicide for them to do so. THAT, I feel, is a good "starting point" for one of this beautiful and exhilarating movement's central demands. REFORM CAMPAIGN FINANCE now...
Allow me to contribute to this particular cause.
nice to see an issue being posted. need more of it.