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Forum Post: For the OWS Global Warmists ...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by Freebird (158)
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Let's prize climate skepticism

By Swaminathan

S. Anklesaria Aiyar

The latest Nobel Prize for chemistry has confirmed what science students are taught early on: that all scientific theories are intrinsically uncertain; that science progresses through skepticism and attacks on existing theories, and that successful attacks are sometimes rewarded with Nobel Prizes. It follows that skepticism about global warming, far from being antiscience, is in keeping with the standard scientific approach - and could one day fetch a skeptic a Nobel Prize.

The Nobel for chemistry was awarded to the Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman for his discovery of "quasicrystals," which violate standard theories about crystals. Scientists had believed that all crystals form in repeated periodic patterns, and commercial production of crystals was based on that understanding. But Shechtman exploded the conventional wisdom by discovering quasicrystals, which form regular patterns that never repeat.

When Schechtman first announced his discovery, his superiors were scornful, telling him he should review his basic chemistry textbooks. When he persisted, he was asked to leave his research group. His first paper on the topic was rejected by the Journal of Applied Physics. But Schechtman persevered, and he proved that what 99.9 percent of scientists believed was wrong.

Sound familiar? We keep hearing that 95 percent or 98 percent of scientists believe catastrophic, man-made global warming is proven. Climate skeptics are widely denounced as science deniers. However, as Schechtman showed, 99 percent of scientists can be and have been wrong.

Science proves nothing beyond all doubt. Rather, it progresses by knocking down existing theories in favor of better ones, which in turn are subject to fresh attacks. Skepticism is at the very heart of the scientific method. The scientific approach is at odds not with climate-change skeptics, but with those who claim global warming is completely proven, contestable only by madmen and blackguards paid by oil companies.

A recent experiment at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland is casting doubt on another idea believed by about 100 percent of scientists: Einstein's theory of relativity. CERN scientists have found particles called neutrinos that seemed to have traveled faster than light, challenging a fundamental plank of modern science. According to the theory of relativity, a particle traveling faster than light will go backward in time.

Environmentalists denounce climate skeptics as science deniers. But have the CERN scientists been denounced as Einstein deniers? No. The scientific community is shocked by the discovery but keeping an open mind - even about something as firmly established as the theory of relativity.

To say 95 percent of scientists believe in global warming suggests, incorrectly, that the skeptics are loonies. In fact, they have included Nobel laureates such as Ivar Giaever, Robert B. Laughlin, and Norman Borlaug. Giaever recently resigned from the American Physical Society in protest against its insistence that global warming is "incontrovertible." He declared, "The claim ... is that the [global average] temperature changed from 288.0 to 288.8 degrees Kelvin in 150 years, which (if true) means to me . . . that the temperature has been amazingly stable."

The most scientists know about the climate is not much. They know so little that they can't predict the next drought or El Niño. When they try to predict temperatures a century hence, it's a real stretch.

When people know only a little about a topic, they tend to make a lot of the little they know. The little in this case is that rising concentrations of greenhouse gases will raise temperatures if other things remain constant. But other things are not constant; they vary in ways we do not fully understand.

That's why we cannot say why temperatures were high in the medieval period despite low carbon dioxide concentrations. It's also why the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change does not make a definite prediction of future temperatures, instead positing six scenarios ranging from benign to catastrophic.

We know so little about the climate that we can't rule out the possibility of a catastrophe. So we can discuss how much insurance we should buy to cover a disaster that may never happen. But that's different from planning for certain disaster.

Answering the insurance question requires massive funding of research not just by proponents of global warming, but also by skeptics - the breed that has repeatedly won Nobel Prizes for overthrowing the existing orthodoxy.




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[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

When you spend your whole life manufacturing consent, all other views seem manufactured too. I believe that this is the reason why it will always be hard to form a consensus. The manufacturers are always skeptical of manufactured science.

[-] 2 points by LaughinWillow (215) 13 years ago


I agree that the POB have seized upon global warming as a massive smokescreen. And the reason is simply due to debates like these. If we didn't focus on global warming, we might focus on the fact that today there is not a single waterway on the planet that is not highly polluted. Air quality in much of the world is worse than ever before. Most of the large fish in the ocean are dead. Species are being lost at a rate not seen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. 35,000 children starve to death every single day, and billions live in abject poverty. We are producing tons of nuclear waste that will be radioactive and deadly for 10,000 years - with nowhere safe to store it. The bees are dying. The birds are falling out of the sky. The whales and dolphins are beaching themselves and dying. There is more plastic in the ocean than plankton. Production of tar sands oil is poisoning ecosystems to such a degree that they may not be able to sustain life for tens of thousands of years.

And you want to argue...what?...exactly? That if global warming isn't manmade, we should just continue on our way? I don't CARE about global warming - the jury is in on your civilization. It is killing the planet and impoverishing most of the human beings living on it. It sucks. Warming or not.

[-] 0 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

I think you're right - the whole global warming bs is just a big distraction from actual problem which is pollution. My beef is that people just blindly follow what governments and their cronies (an a hell of a pile of scientists are state dependent cronies) say, and refuse to see that everything the state says they are going to fix just gets worse.

[-] 2 points by LaughinWillow (215) 13 years ago

You can even take it further - the real problem isn't "pollution." Pollution is a symptom of the real problem, which is overconsumption. And I think this is what bothers me about all movements - none of them really address this issue. You've got mainstream environmental groups acting like you can save the day by switching a lightbulb and putting up solar panels. But the fact is that this lifestyle in general is unsustainable. Even the OWS don't seem to recognize that - they just want more of an unsustainable, inequitable system for themselves (or "the poor"). When we should all be focused on smashing the entire culture before it kills us.

[-] 0 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

The problem with "over-consumption" being pegged as the culprit, is that over-consumption is ONLY possible in a debt based society. The USA and most of the west has been able to spend and consume into infinity by a corrupt government/banking monetary system that can borrow and print money at will. In other words, over-consumption is a SYMPTOM of the corrupt monetary system.

[-] 2 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

This is terribly conceived and betrays a deep misunderstanding of science, possibly deliberately so. The amazing thing isn't that 99.9% of scientists were wrong, it's that they changed their mind and subsequently awarded this fellow with highest prize possible. That behavior supports them in this case not the opposite. As all articles of this nature, it fails to take into account the terrible asymmetry of being wrong. Not all the evidence is there in a terribly complex system so.... the precautionary principle is in full effect here. If one side is wrong, nothing happens. If the other side is wrong everyone dies.

[-] 2 points by MossyOakMudslinger (106) from Frederick, MD 13 years ago

No one is denying the importance of skepticism in science. The problem is fake skeptics like say for example Pat Michaels who has links all over the Cato Institute Site that you linked to. That's Pat Michaels whose research has been funded by the Edison Electirc Institute and the Western Fuel Association both actively pro utilities/fossil fuel lobbyists or activists.

So why don't you admit the truth instead of damaging your credibility with the inane pseudo-scientific arguments that you present here. The Cato Institute is basically a shill for the fossil fuel industry that opposes any form of regulation that may cause risk to the industry's profit margin.

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Just as Cato's libertarian ideology itself is a facade for the plutocratic ideology of the wealthy and the corporate elite, and their polluting, anti-democratic, anti-government ways.

[-] 2 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago


The Los Angeles Times ran a story Thursday under this headline: "Climate skeptic admits he was wrong to doubt global-warming data." Under normal circumstances a headline like that doesn't draw much of a gasp. As more and more science pours in, fewer and fewer people doubt the science.

But the story behind this headline turned lots of heads.

The climate skeptic is Richard A. Muller, professor of physics at the University of California and the leader of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project (BEST). Muller has a long history of criticism of the science and the scientists conducting it. He was outspoken about the contents of the hacked emails, known as climategate, and most particularly, he was skeptical of the way scientists measured warming. ...

On Friday, Muller addressed all global-warming skeptics in the Wall Street Journal by saying, "Now let me explain why you should not be a skeptic, at least not any longer." He went on to explain what BEST had found, and how it had found it. He reported the final paper, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, found that the Urban Heat Island argument did not stand up. The data showed that poorly positioned measuring stations showed no greater temperature increases than the better ones.

In other words, the skeptical funders of the study just backed the wrong horse. Charles Koch helped pay for a study that says everything Charles Koch believes in is wrong. ...


[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

what human beings do effects the environment of the planet

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

global warming has been science fact since 1970. we have known we need to get off fossil fuels since then. the only reason global warming is denied is to keep using oil and coal and polluting. the only reason anyone imagines global warming is not real is a billion dollar lie campaign from exxon.





[-] 1 points by Levels (73) 13 years ago

Genetically modified food is a real environmental problem but the elite don't talk about it.

hmmm I wonder why?

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

I have something that proves global warming is real. It's called a thermometer.

[-] 0 points by cheeseus (109) 13 years ago

Global warming has happened millions of times before homo sapiens evolved. It will cycle between warming and cooling after we become extinct. It's mass arrogance to think we control our planet, much less the universal influences.....

[-] 0 points by cheeseus (109) 13 years ago

And humans try to stop earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, droughts and other forces of nature. Why can't we stop those if we have so much force?

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Ever hear of an ion drive? Very little force, extreme velocity - enough power to get across the solar system faster than any other technology.

[-] 0 points by cheeseus (109) 13 years ago

What came first, the ions made by nature or the ion drive made by man?