Forum Post: Food Freedom NOW!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:45 p.m. EST by mgiddin1
from Linthicum, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Okay all of you libertarians, tea partiers, progressives and liberals. There is another huge common ground for the left leaning and right leaning among us.
Food Freedom.
The government via the FDA and Big Agra has combined to try to tell the American people that we do not have the choice about what we put in our bodies. What? You can choose whether or not to have an abortion, but you can't drink raw milk. And soon, if the FDA gets its way, you won't be able to buy supplements formulated after 1994 (virtually all of them) a la codex alimentarum. Food Inc documentary And call Whole Foods on the carpet - they have 1000s of products which contain GMOs and support Komen's Cure - the money goes to Big Pharma
The only real studies done on GMOs indicate organ damage and fertility problems. Yet most Americans have no idea that 80% of our crops (and all conventional processed food) have GMOs. They are banned in Europe.
Hmm, the USDA euphemistically labels them 'biotech' crops
Yeah screw the alphabet agencies trying to enforce big agra tyranny on the must basic of human ways to sustain one's self.
Yea! Great post, my friend!!
GMO foods are causing problems in fertility in animals in India who ate GMO grain. we have the right to choose our food, grow our food, and reject manipulated foods. A woman was actually penalized for growing a food garden in her front yard. The city finally had to back off due to outrage from publicity.